Sustainability has been a hot topic for quite some time already. A UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development urges society to preserve the planet we all live on. Living sustainably is living meaningfully, by taking care of humanity and the planet. The importance of mindfulness is shown in appreciation of the available resources and using them as little as possible, with the goal of preservation and improvement of the planet as our habitat. One person alone can’t do everything. Step by step, set an example, build a sustainable community!
Daily small habits do make a difference
That coffee and the takeaway you bought today and the day before are packed in plastic or cardboard that you will throw away after you finish your hot beverage or tasty meal. Avoid the usage of single-use products. These include plastic grocery bags, cups, straws and cutlery, bottles, plastic wrapping – all of these are a huge waste. There are alternatives to these that you can take from home or buy the eco-version on the spot. Turn the lights off if exiting the room, use a slightly warmer temperature setting in the summer, share a ride and cook for multiple meals at once.
The three R’s: Reduce, reuse, recycle
Mentioned single-use products have reusable replacements that are already statements on the market – reusable cups, metal straws, tote bags, bamboo cutlery, etc. So many companies are packed with artists who make unique pieces, ones that will make you excited to use them for a long time. Now you can also find products made from recyclables and already recycled products. Reduce the use of water, but do not forget to try going paperless – the power needed to produce, but even more, to distribute paper around the world should not be overlooked. You can send bills via e-mail, you can read books online or buy second-hand, while you can also donate your old books and let others read them at least once more! Everything that can be produced less is a step to less waste and, consequently, less pollution.
Grow your food
When informing about the pollution and the need for sustainability around the world, one cannot overlook the amount of food that is being thrown, the contribution of the meat industry to the pollution, and the still existing famine. Furthermore, uncontrolled GMOs and pesticides further pollute the earth and water that are still the sources of food. The solution would be to try to go organic, but that is not easy in the city environment, on the already chemically treated earth. So why not go for the above-ground planting beds? To be sure that your compost-friendly garden is watered, supervised, and bathed in sunshine properly, try hydroponic farming – tech-friendly farming for the best organic home-grown food. Each plant tower can be packed with different species of plants, so there is almost no end to the plant babies you could care for!
Support local and eco-friendly businesses
Sustainability truly is about your community. Producing, distributing, and buying locally impacts less transport pollution, less production pollution, and less waste made for one person. Think about it: if you buy the lovely zucchinis which were grown locally with the fair-trade or organic certificate (Australian government recognizes different certificates), you will help your neighbour, local business, and in that process avoid the international routes which could further pollute the ocean, and those zucchinis won’t be frozen or sprayed with hormones to stay fresh before reaching your local store. Even better, environmentally friendly alternatives do not mean you will not have a choice or poor quality – those are made to last.
What is a life without a fashion spice?
Retro, vintage, y2k, supermodel era, or maybe 20s burlesque? Every year we see some of the old trends coming back, rarely getting anything new except combination and higher price. Fast fashion takes a toll on your wallet, but what about the condition of the textile industry workforce, the power needed for transport, the fact that you will wear it a few months before it wears out? Go second-hand, go vintage, upcycle your old Lewis with the local seamstress and wear them for years since they never go out of style. If buying new, try searching locally, especially the eco-friendly ones, and get yourself a unique wardrobe by combining local design with statement thrift shopped pieces. Sustainable does not mean boring!
Finally, the small things you do for yourself while thinking about your future does involve sustainability. Everyday choices, from drinking with a metal straw to sleeping in vintage silk pyjamas, have a lasting effect on us and our surroundings. Mindfully embracing yourself is the key to helping your community and SDG’s 2030 Agenda in the long run. Each change counts.
Author bio:

Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a writer and designer, and her ultimate passion is home and gardening. She is also a bibliophile and her favourite book is “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.