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Using Self-Sustainability as a Tool for Eco-Friendly Living

If you are like many people, then you see that our world and environment are in jeopardy and you want to do your part to make things right. Sometimes that is easier said than done as it is often the large companies that are polluting the air with dangerous chemicals and causing the harmful emissions that could one day signal the end of our clean world as we know it.

The situation may cause many to feel helpless, but every little thing we do can make a big difference. In addition to living a clean life, you can learn to be more self-sufficient and self-sustaining by being smart about what you buy, making your own products, and living your life with little to no waste. Here are a few ways to try.

To Shop or Not to Shop

One way that you can be self-sustaining is by limiting what you purchase and making what you can at your own home. If more people stopped supporting the large companies that produce the most pollution, we would not only limit the precious resources that they waste, but we as consumers could also save a ton of money in the process.

For instance, one of the largest expenses in most homes is the weekly grocery bill. You could save a ton of money and resources by gardening at home and growing your own food. You can grow almost any type of necessary food and ingredient in a garden, from typical vegetables, including lettuce and green beans to items you may have never considered, including mustard, mint, and parsley.

If you need more food that cannot be grown in a garden, then make sure to shop locally. When you shop within your town, the product is right there for the taking. This is a much better alternative than buying from large big-box stores that require pollution-producing trucks to drive across the country for deliveries.

You don’t have to stop at food either. There are many other products that you can make at home once you learn the skills to do so. You can make jewelry, candles, bath products, dishes and tableware, paper goods, and more. Doing so will again prevent unnecessary waste by large corporations and if you get good at creating these products, you could also sell them for a profit, which will continue to support your self-sustaining lifestyle.

Less Waste at Home

While some people choose to live out in the woods and be totally self-sufficient, you can still help the ecosystem and limit unnecessary resources while living in your current neighborhood, you just need to think differently about a few things. Possibly the most important considerations to think about are how much energy and electricity you are wasting and how you can modify your usage or use more natural sources to power your home.

Many of us are working remotely during the pandemic, and you can use this situation to your advantage by placing your desk near the window. Doing so will allow you to work with natural light and avoid the need to turn on the lights until it is dark outside. You can evolve this premise with self-sustainability in mind by installing solar panels on your home. This alternative energy solution uses the sun to power your home and not only is it efficient, but you will use less energy from the electric company. In some cases, the only money you pay to the electric utilities is the minimal cost to stay on the grid in the case of an emergency.

Many people use a large portion of their energy to heat or cool their houses during the winter and summer, but you can make changes so you are less reliant on energy. You can start by keeping your thermostat at 68-degrees in the winter and 78-degrees in the summer to avoid unnecessary waste. Also, consider opening your windows during the summer to avoid the air conditioner altogether. You can also create natural cooling and help the environment by growing a tree that can provide shade and keep your house at a comfortable temperature.

The Little Things

While it is great to make large, sweeping changes, even modifying the little things that you do every day could help the environment and make you more self-sustainable. For instance, if you do need to travel to the store to buy products, consider walking or riding your bike. Not only does doing so create zero pollution but biking and being out in fresh air can even improve your mental health due to the endorphins you create and the dopamine that improves your mood.

Also, consider the cleaning products that you use. Most standard products are filled with dangerous substances that are unhealthy for your family and the environment around us. Instead, make it a point to use green cleaning products that do the same job but without the harmful side effects. Not only can these products prevent allergies and make your home smell better, but you can also make your cleaning supplies and pour them into those same bottles and use reusable cleaning cloths to further reduce costs and your negative environmental impact.

It’s also a great idea to look at local thrift shops when choosing to buy clothes, furniture, and other items that you cannot make at home. Remember that these items are carefully checked for quality and are sold at a great price. Doing this will allow you to purchase well-loved products while reducing the manufacturing necessary to create and ship brand new items.

As you can see, there are many ways that you can be less reliant on big business and instead live a self-sustainable life that will positively impact you and the environment. Make a difference in your way, and the world will thank you.

Photo by Benjamin Combs on Unsplash.