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7 Simple Ideas To Transform Your House Into Eco-Friendly Space

Perhaps your house is calling for some modifications; however, if you choose to remodel your space, you will want to do so in a stylish manner with having little to no impact on the environment. After all, environmental abuse causes a slew of issues, including human health. As a result, opt for changes while keeping our environment in mind.

There are numerous ways to lease a new life to your home by utilising eco-friendly materials. Whether you want bedroom makeover ideas or kitchen remodelling ways, dive into this blog. Here, you’ll discover seven simple ideas to transform your house into an eco-friendly space.

1. Recycling Is The Key

Home renovation generates a significant amount of waste. Fortunately, you have an option to avoid this waste. Recycling! It’s an essential aspect of leading a sustainable life. It saves money and time on unnecessary purchases.

So, refurbish your furniture by re-sealing them. Repurpose your glass, plastic and cardboard containers for planting. Or convert your old towels or clothes into wash bags. By doing these, you’ll shield your natural resources and lower carbon emissions from the manufacture and delivery of new products.

2. Opt For Energy Audit

An energy audit, specifically conducted by professionals, determines the energy efficiency of your house. Further, they provide recommendations to enhance the cooling and heating of your house. Sure, it won’t add aesthetic beauty to your home, but it will make your home efficient, saving you money down the lane.

An energy auditor will use different technologies to identify issues, like a blower door which will determine how much air is leaking throughout the home. Furthermore, they’ll give suggestions on reducing energy consumption, furnishing you with appropriate alternative ideas. That way, it would save you expenses on utility bills.

3. Non-Hazardous Paint Is Ideal

Hazardous paint contains volatile organic compounds (VOC), which off-gas into the air, putting health in peril. But it’s rarely mentioned that these compounds are injurious to human’s health and the environment.

Hence, identify such paints and choose non-hazardous (or VOC-free) paints. They are water-based, which has lower toxins discharged into the environment. On top of that, they provide a much healthier painting experience.

No doubt, they would be pricey when you pick a reputable paint company. But, when you renovate your kids’ room or nursery, this should be the foremost factor you should keep in mind.

4. Choose Eco-Friendly Materials

A greenhouse contains eco-friendly ideas and materials. It not only minimises environmental abuse but also saves risking health. From roofing to cabinets to insulation, make sure every element of your home is environmentally friendly.

Reused timber, recycled glass, natural-made goods and renewable resources, like bamboo and wood, are a few examples of eco-friendly materials. Marble benchtops (learn their pros and cons) too participate in saving the environment. From kitchen to tabletops to bathroom vanities, they sit elegantly and in style.

So, if you fantasise about your home as a greenhouse, consider these environmentally friendly materials and create a green architecture.

5. Design Bathroom to Conserve Water

Saving water, either for the sake of saving the planet or your utility bills, is wise. And a bathroom is a great place to begin making water conscious decisions. By the way, saving water is easy; however, learning how to conserve it is even effortless nowadays.

The foremost step is by replacing high-efficiency plumbing fixtures. They aid in saving water, money and the environment. Install water-saving toilets, Water Sense showerheads, steam shower and faucets.

Furthermore, simple five-minute tasks can contribute to water saving. For example, hang bath towels to dry, check for leaks and slow drips every now and then and save water while shaving.

6. Put Your Boilers for Servicing

Frequently! There’s no denying that recent boilers available on the market are more energy-efficient than the older versions. However, they still require timely maintenance in order to stay in a good condition. Your older boilers would still function, provided you’re giving them some TLC and using them wisely.

Likewise, bear in mind the temperature of your thermostat. Find ways to lessen it by a few degrees to preserve money and ensure its functioning well. Reducing it by one degree would bring a major change to your energy bill.

7. Switch To Toxic-free Cleaning Products

Most likely, your cupboards are filled with scrubs, sprays and disinfectants. Well, a new year doesn’t only mean to organise and clean your home. It’s also a great time to consider switching toxic-free products. Chemical cleaning supplies may appear to be efficient, but chlorine and ammino presence are bad for our environment. Moreover, they pose health risks to your family members.

So, substitute chemical cleaning products with natural ones. Take, for example, lemon, vinegar, baking soda; they are great alternatives to these harsh products. Additionally, pick microfiber cloths for wiping down the surfaces. Not to mention, all these are easily available on the market and at affordable prices.

To Wrap Up

A healthy lifestyle is important amidst several viruses spoiling our ecosystem. If you’re undertaking a home renovation project for an eco-friendly transformation, the above ideas will come in handy. Whether you’re finding which stone benchtop is best or what would help you save water in your bathroom, our blog has covered it all. Hopefully, this will help you choose the path of sustainable living.

Author Bio:

As a professional blog writer, I (Erika Rhein) like writing on various niches. However, I prioritise writing on Technology, lifestyle-related blogs. I always make an effort to render useful and informative articles to users, that too, in a readable format.

Photo by Watermark Designs on Unsplash.