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Tips for Creating a Sustainable Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes are becoming increasingly popular. As people pay more attention to the quality of clothing they wear, as well as the environment, this type of wardrobe just makes sense.

The term capsule wardrobe is nothing new. It was coined in the 1970s but has come into popularity again largely due to the minimalist movement. According to Rest Less, the concept of a capsule wardrobe is to “have a minimalist wardrobe containing a selection of essential, high-quality pieces that can be mixed and matched, and are fashionable all year round.”

While the nature of a capsule wardrobe is already more sustainable than a traditional one, there are tips you can put into practice to make it even more eco-friendly, and reduce your carbon footprint with what you regularly wear.

Let’s look at a few of those tips.

Choose the Right Pieces

You should be thinking about style, functionality, and quality when you’re putting together your capsule wardrobe. Consider pieces that can be used in multiple ways and even for more than one season. Things like scarves and jeans are great examples. You can use them for multiple outfits and manage to make them look different depending on what else you wear. Not only does it allow you to be more sustainable, but it gives you the chance to let your creativity shine.

A good rule of thumb is to avoid fashion trends that tend to go in and out of style. You want pieces that will last for years to come and still look good. Some “looks” that never seem to fade include:

  • Baggy jeans
  • Crop tops
  • Denim
  • Hats
  • Oversized tees

Remember, fashion is often cyclical. What’s popular now will undoubtedly make a comeback at some point. So, choose the staple pieces that you like rather than giving in to trends that likely won’t last.

Make an Investment

Capsule wardrobes are great for people on budgets because you don’t need to worry about constantly spending money on new clothes.

But, it’s worth it to invest in clothing that is made to last. Too often nowadays, people fall victim to “fast fashion”. These are brands that create clothing quickly, usually in large quantities, to be shipped out to their stores. The clothing is typically cheaply-made, using low-quality materials. As a result, it’s fairly inexpensive for the average consumer.

The problem? Because of the quality, most fast-fashion pieces can only be worn a few times before they start to fall apart. This process contributes to carbon emissions from making the clothes, but it also contributes to the huge problem of textile waste across the globe.

Even if you’re on a budget, it’s worth it to invest in high-quality clothing and brands. The clothes will last longer, look better, and you can feel good about wearing them for years without having to throw them away.

Get Rid of Old Clothing the Right Way

When you’re initially putting together your capsule wardrobe, you will probably have to get rid of some things. Think about pieces you probably won’t wear again or items that won’t contribute anything to your wardrobe.

But, instead of throwing them away, choose to get rid of them in a more sustainable fashion, including:

  • Donating to a thrift store
  • Selling them
  • Giving to a friend
  • Donating to a homeless shelter

Giving new life to your unwanted clothes is a great way to minimize your waste, and you never know how much someone else might appreciate what you were about to throw out.

It’s easier than you might think to start a sustainable capsule wardrobe. Keep these ideas in mind as you put yours together, and you’ll take the stress out of your style while improving sustainability.

Image Source: Unsplash.