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Ways Farmers Can Boost Food Production

Right now, there are more than 7 billion people living on earth. That number continues to climb, and it projected to be between 8 and 11 billion people by the year 2050. If you’re in the food sector, you’re probably already aware of the growing food needs of earth’s population. The question then becomes, how do you keep up? How can farmers and food scientists increase the world’s food supply in a way that feeds people but also protects the planet?

Fortunately, there are ways that farmers can keep with this growing demand while continuing to be sustainable. More conventional methods of farming over-use things like pesticides and fertilizers, which help increase yield. This method, over time, can hurt the overall health of the soil and can accelerate the growth of pesticide-resistant weeds.

Another approach is to grow a larger mix of crops as opposed to planting the same crops year in year out. This tactic can increase overall production. Utilizing perennial plants, instead of annual crops, saves on planting costs. Since perennial plants are hardier, they are more likely to survive weather extremes. They might also use less water and help reduce soil erosion better than annual plants.

Then there’s vertical farming. Vertical farming — or using indoor space to grow crops — is yet another way to produce more food, more efficiently. The accompanying resource describes the benefits of vertical farming and how to make the process more effective.

Optimizing Vertical Farming from the belt conveyor providers, Ultimation Industries.
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