Do you want to become fit in a green way? You have a plenty of eco-friendly options to choose from! Check our list of sustainable sports and activities which allow you to stay in shape and also reduce carbon footprint.
First of all, running requires no equipment. All you need is comfortable shoes and clothes. The next thing is, you can do it anywhere, no matter if you live in a big city or on a countryside. You can run in your favourite park, around the neighbourhood and when the weather is bad, you can always go to a gym and take a run on a treadmil. And it’s very beneficial for your health!Cycling
Cycling is another great eco-friendly activity. You only have to takea bike and go for a ride wherever you want. Don’t worry ify you don’t have your own bike. Many big and even samller cities offer bike rentals. And bike is also a great mean of transport. You don’t have to be worried about traffic jams on your way to work or school and you don’t pollute the air.Kayaking
Do you love water and nature? There’s is no better eco-friendly activity for you than kayaking. Feel the adrenaline on a fast river and let your muscles to engage into effort. This activity is a full-workout to your body and it will stranghten you arms and legs.

Maybe skiing is not 100% eco-friendly sport but there’s a good info for all winter sports lovers! The ski brands recently are making everything to go in green direction. It’s a great way to spent time in mountains and warm up during a cold winter day.