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The Ultimate 2023 Buying Guide for Refurbished Smartphones

If you are looking to buy a new phone, consider a refurbished one. A second-hand smartphone is thoroughly inspected and tested to ensure the best possible performance. A refurbished phone is restored into the best shape possible before it is resold. Here are some of the benefits of a refurb phone and tips to buy one.

About Refurbished Phones

Refurbished or refurb phones are pre-owned devices. Just because they are refurbished does not mean they were at fault. Each one is inspected and, if needed, repaired and restored to fix any software or hardware issues. Any worn or damaged components are also fixed, and the phone is cleaned and repackaged. The result is a like-new phone.

The Problem with Growing E-Waste

The appeal of refurbished phones comes from a desire to save money since they are generally cheaper than new models. At the same time, they are an environmentally conscious and sustainable way to buy phones.

Electronic and electrical waste, or e-waste, is a growing problem around the globe. About 50 million tons are generated each year worldwide, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. Annual e-waste is worth over US$62.5 billion. That is more than the gross domestic product (GDP) of many countries.

Only 20% of this waste is recycled. That means the vast majority of global e-waste ends up in landfills. Since these devices include lead, mercury and cadmium, e-waste in landfill sites also contaminates soil and groundwater.

Recycling Electronic Devices like Phones

An ITAD company – or IT asset disposition company – offers clients solutions to reuse smartphones and other equipment. They protect your privacy with secure data destruction services before items are resold. As a result, an ITAD company has an important role to play in reducing e-waste.

Buying refurb phones is an easy step consumers can take to help protect the environment. A refurbished smartphone helps prevent pollution, specifically by reducing waste destined for landfills.

Benefits of Buying a Refurbished Phone

One of the main benefits of a refurbished smartphone is financial. These phones are typically sold at lower prices because they have been used. This is a great option for consumers with a budget, even if you want to upgrade to a newer model of your favourite smartphone. Plus, everything you need, like a charging cable or charger, is usually included.

Many refurbished phones also come with a warranty, or money-back guarantee to offer buyers added protection. Buyers can pick a refurbished model with confidence since they are protected. At the same time, refurb phones are inspected, fixed and cleaned so they are in optimal working condition. They have the same performance as a new phone, offering you similar quality.

The other benefit is that refurbished phones are environmentally friendly. You are giving a device a second life, reducing e-waste. You also preserve natural resources that go into producing new phones by buying second-hand ones.

A Buying Guide for Refurbished Smartphones

Refurbished phones may come in different conditions, so it is important to pay attention to details. What you choose will depend on your budget and what types and number of blemishes you want to accept.

The best-refurbished phones are as new as you can get, and they are sometimes phones that were returned after a short period of time. Others have minor or small signs of wear, like a single chip or tiny scratch. These are often largely not noticeable. Other refurbished smartphones have multiple chips or scratches, so there are more obvious signs of previous use.

You should check to see what accessories are included in the model. Some refurbished phones include all accessories like a new phone, including chargers and cables, while others may be missing things like earphones. If something is missing, you will need to consider the cost of buying additional accessories for your phone.

Final thoughts…

Buying refurbished phones saves you money, so you can have the latest model without spending a small fortune. Buying refurbished electronics also helps in tackling the global problem of growing e-waste. Most of these electronic wastes are ended up in landfills which has a severe environmental impact. Apart from the environmental reasons, the refurbished smartphone is also fully functional and unlocked, so you can use them with any network. Just pop in a SIM card, and you are ready to go.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay .