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8 Minor Adjustments for a More Sustainable Lifestyle

8 Minor Adjustments for a More Sustainable Lifestyle

  1. Save water  

Get a water-saving showerhead and keep showers short with cool running water. Showering with hot water isn’t good for your skin or hair, and keeping it a bit cooler can also save energy! It’s a win-win. Also, turn off the water when you’re brushing your teeth or cleaning your face. Creating these minor but effective changes in habits can make a big difference in the long run.

2. Skip single-use plastics

Almost all plastic is derived from fossil fuels such as oil and gas. Just the process of extracting the fuels has a massive impact on our planet. Then add, the process of creating the actual plastic, and we’ve reached alarming numbers. Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year. One of the biggest problems is that at least 14 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year.

What to do? Firstly, don’t use plastic bags at checkout. BYOB – bring your own bag! You can also bring cotton mesh bags to put your fruits and vegetables in when grocery shopping. Do a quick scan around your home and see where you might be using plastic that could be replaced for a more sustainable option. Ditch plastic bottles and choose glass or stainless steel that also is easy to clean, and if you opt for an insulated one, it will keep your drink cool for longer.

3. Create a sustainable wardrobe

The fashion industry may account for up to 10 per cent of global greenhouse emissions. Massive amounts of waste and water are the cost of the fast fashion industry. Buy second-hand clothes – or try creating a capsule wardrobe. It’s a lot of fun! Going second-hand shopping can be a great activity to do with friends. Bring your bags and stroll around looking at unique and old items. Just give them a good wash when you get home, and they’re as good as new.

Nowadays, there are many apps where you can get one-of-a-kind clothing for cheap. Good for your wallet and good for the planet. If second-hand clothing is not your style, you can choose to support sustainable fashion brands that are more conscious. Consider investing in better quality clothing and ditch the fast fashion trend altogether!

You can also transform old items into something new; maybe you have something at home that you can refresh? Donate or sell unused items. Check your closet now and then and see what you can get rid of. It might spare someone else from purchasing something new, and it saves you some space in the wardrobe jungle!

4. Make your beauty routine less wasteful

Choose reusable cotton pads for makeup removal, they’re easy to clean, and you will never run out! Also, look for products that don’t contain harmful chemicals. Buy in bulk instead of smaller bottles to save on packaging. Multipurpose bathroom products are a great way to save space in your bathroom and spare the environment further.

5. Eat less meat

According to Greenpeace, the livestock sector  raising cows, pigs and chickens generates as many greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, trucks and automobiles combined. These gases contribute to climate change, such as global warming. Some studies show that choosing vegetarian options would only reduce greenhouse gas emissions per person by 3%. Vegetarian diets, which exclude meat, and vegan diets, which exclude all animal products, have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

6. Grow your own vegetables

 You don’t even necessarily be a gardener to grow your own food. Even a little bit of space on a window sill will work for small things like herbs, lettuce and cress. For deep-rooted vegetables such as carrots or potatoes, you can try using a garden dustbin. You don’t need to have an expensive planters or special window boxes. You can use coffee boxes, yoghurt containers or anything ceramic.

7. Don’t waste food

 Wasting food is bad and destructive to the Earth’s environment. When food rots with other organics in landfills, it gives off methane gas.According to the lates study by WRAP, household food waste makes up around 70% of the UK post-farm-gate total. It wastes our money and wastes many valuable resources.

8. Use eco-friendly cleaning products

One of the advantages of natural and homemade cleaning products, such as baking soda, lemon juice and vinegar, is much more environmentally friendly. Natural cleaning products do not contain chemicals that cause significant air or water pollution.

Image source Sarah Chai from Pexels