• interview with blogger
    This week I spoke to Craig J Todd, the person behind the brilliant Eco Tech Daily blog. 1. My readers want to learn more from you, can you please tell us about your website?Firstly, thank you for inviting me for this interview. I appreciate your interest in my work. In 2014, I created my own green technology website called Eco
  • grandma eco-friendly tips
    https://bamboodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/53585955.mp3 Our grandmothers were zero waste before it became trendy! Although grandmothers did not segregate garbage into five containers, they did not pack sandwiches in beeswax, nor did they brush their teeth with a bamboo brush, they were very aware of the environment. They could use almost anything and cook so that nothing was wasted. Below we present you 7
  • Houseplant for home decor
    https://bamboodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Which-Houseplants-Should-Buy-for-the-Decoration-of-Your-Home.mp3 What’s a better approach to using live plants to decorate your home? Houseplants can add texture and character and can be beneficial by increasing the quality of air and atmosphere vulnerability. As seen on interpersonal networking decorating with houseplants is very popular than ever before. Here are our favorite plants so that they look their best in your property.
  • 7 Days to Simplify
    It is really great to have you as a guest on Bamboodu, can you please introduce yourself in case some of my readers don’t know you? Thank you for having me. My name is Georgina Caro. I run a website called Gypsy Soul which is there to help you live a more sustainable & simple life. Since 2013 I have
  • why to choose slow fashion
    https://bamboodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/why-to-choose-slow-fashion.mp3 Surely you know this situation – on impulse you buy a new dress or blouse, which you do not wear later because it turns out to be made of poor material, and the shape does not match your style. If this sounds familiar to you and you want to change it – get interested in the idea of slow
  • eco-friendly at collage
    https://bamboodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/How-to-Be-More-Eco-Friendly-Student.mp3 As a college student, you probably spend a lot of time around your campus without thinking about living green. But being eco-friendly helps you save money and look after the environment at the same time. Take a look through the following tips to begin your way to eco-friendly studying. Take notes electronically. Studying in collage is producing lots of
  • top eco bloggers to follow
    Are you looking for inspiring eco-wellness tips and tricks, eco gardening, recycling ideas from experts? Follow these blogs to find all you are looking for. These blogs are encouraging and helpful. Inspire us to live more consciously every day. Top Eco- Friendly Blogs Earth911 At Earth911 they are created a community that helps people find their own shade of green,
  • Organic cosmetics
    https://bamboodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Benefits-of-Using-Organic-Cosmetics.mp3 As many people are slowly turning to organic alternatives for their food and home products, they are also discovering new things that they can do to enhance their green lifestyle. This is why it is not surprising to know that organic skin care products and organic cosmetics such as makeup are starting to become popular as well. Many people,
  • eco-friendly at work tips
    Is your office eco-friendly place? To answer to this question, no matter if you are owner of company or employee, there are things you can do to make your workplace a greener place starting today. We present you some easy ways to go eco, because being waste away is good business! Switch your old, inefficient light bulb to low-energy lighting
  • eco-friendly party ideas
    Parties can be a waste of a lot of resources. However, the need to throw a party might be worth all the expenses that you have to make. Fortunately, there are ways by which you can host a party without wasting too much. These tips will help you save money as well as keep you from wasting too much energy
  • eco-friendly pet owner
      https://bamboodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/eco-friendly-pet-owner.mp3 Most of us consider our pets as family members, so we want them to be included in zero waste lifestyle. By replacing the products we use everyday to take care about pets, can have a huge impact on our planet. Today we present you tips that will help you to live with your pets more greener way. FOODPeople
  • declutter your home
    If you start to feel overwhelmed in your own apartment, it’s time to do some general cleaning. First of all – clean your wardrobe. Ask yourself if you really need this thing and when did you last use it? Be ruthless. The trick is to have only things that fit together and that you like. Restrict cosmetics in the bathroom.