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How to Start an Eco-friendly Clothing Business

The fashion industry is one of the biggest and most polluting industries in the world. Sustainability in the fashion industry doesn’t refer only to clothes, but rather to the whole business. If you want to learn more about how to start an eco-friendly clothing business or change your existing practices, this is the article for you. Our aim is to explain the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry as well as to give practical advice on how to do it successfully. By making the fashion industry sustainable, we can actually make it a global trend and raise eco-friendly awareness all over the world.

We should first start with disclosing the negative impacts of the unsustainable fashion industry, as not many people are aware of these. Then, we’ll explain what sustainable fashion is. After that, we’ll move to practical advice on how to be an eco-friendly clothing business. It involves different considerations such as the environment, resources, waste as well as social impact.

1.   Negative impacts of the unsustainable fashion industry

The traditional and in most cases, unsustainable fashion industry practices have quite a few negative impacts. When it comes to the negative environmental impact, textiles are as toxic as aluminium in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. We use a lot of water and energy in clothes production, polluting the water additionally. As far as societal impact is concerned, clothes are often made by young women in not so developed countries. Child labour has also been connected to the fashion industry. Developing countries are great for unsustainable fashion industries as regulations are low or non-existing

2.   Sustainable fashion

As we already mentioned, sustainable fashion goes beyond the mere manufacturing of eco-friendly clothes. This is just one essential aspect, where bamboo clothing is a vital part of the sustainable clothing movement. The term used is ‘slow fashion’ and it refers to ethical manufacturing of clothes, respecting the environment, people and animals. Companies should slow down, recycle and give new use to clothes to maximize sustainability. There should also be laws and regulations that are enforced.

3.   How to be an eco-friendly clothing business

When it comes to the actual things you can do to be a green clothing business, you must have some considerations in mind. This means having the whole process in mind. You should start with thorough research to learn all about the best eco-friendly practices you can employ.

4.   Consider the environment

The first consideration you should have in mind is the environment. We already mentioned just some of the negative impacts of the fashion industry on the environment. When it comes to choosing a location for your company, choose a spot that won’t disrupt nature and living beings. Follow all the eco-friendly standards. If it is possible use renewable energy for powering. Use non-toxic dyes as well as detergents. Also, consider recycling practices. You probably buy wholesale boho dresses, skirts, jackets and trousers in bulk, as it’s more affordable. However, you can consider recycling any leftover clothing pieces. Or, you can create a project where people will be encouraged to recycle old clothes and get some discount in return. It’s a win-win combo.

5.   Consider resources and waste

Speaking about resources and waste, we need to be really considerate. You should carefully calculate the resources you need in order to lower potential waste. Avoid using materials that are too demanding and that require great use of water or energy as well as fabrics made from fossil fuels. Your goal should be to create long-lasting, quality items. On the other hand, when it comes to waste, you should train your employees properly in order to minimize waste and mistakes during the manufacturing process. Learn how you can repurpose fabric waste. Consider packaging – it should be eco-friendly.

6.   Consider the social aspect

The social aspect of the fashion industry is also something we should consider. Your business should strive to promote a no poverty policy, gender equality as well as decent work and economic growth. Your aim should be the greater good. You should pay your workers sufficiently and regularly as well as have them work reasonable hours. You should provide them with the basic rights of having breaks, proper lighting, windows as well as ventilation systems. Get fabrics from reliable and sustainable manufacturers.

There is a thin line between being an eco-conscious fashion industry and an unstainable one. However, this thin line makes a big difference when it comes to the positive effects a green fashion industry brings to the world. That’s why we should do our best to change all the bad business practices we have.

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