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How To Reduce Heat Loss In Your Home

There are many countries where the cost of living has increased. Necessities such as food and fuel have all increased. Our energy bills are also increasing due to the Ukrainian war as well as the aftermath of covid-19.

When winter comes, you will use your central heating a lot. Furthermore, you need to ensure that you are putting on extra layers so you are not relying on them too often.

Reducing heat loss in your home is a great way to ensure you are not burning through your energy bills. Furthermore, there are a lot of things that you will need to check. Here are a few things you can do to your home to ensure you are reducing heat loss.


Insulation is essential for your home during the winter months and most homes will already have it. Heat loss can happen anywhere in your home including windows, walls, doors, floors and roof. Insulation helps reduce heat loss and you will soon see the benefits once installed correctly.


A chimney is another place where you can lose a lot of heat in your home. Many modern homes won’t have a chimney chute however, homes built 50+ years ago will have a chimney chute. Modern fireplaces no longer require a chimney chute which is why they are less common.

If your home still requires a chimney, we would advise installing a removable chimney balloon to reduce heat loss. If you don’t use your chimney chute, call a professional to come round and have it capped off to reduce heat loss.


Windows are also a common place to lose heat in a modern home. Furthermore, It is recommended that you should get your windows changed every 15 to 20 years. If you have old windows in your home, you will notice that they can produce a draught. Ensure you keep up to date with modern windows to ensure you are limiting the amount of heat which is lost.

Windows can be expensive to replace and not everyone can afford it straight away. If you noticed there is a draft on your windows, we suggest buying a sealant to fill those gaps and reduce heat loss. Nonetheless, if you have the money to spend on windows, we suggest you install smart windows to make your home more eco-friendly.


Doors are another place for your home to lose heat but they aren’t just your main doors to get into your house. It is also the doors you have to get into each room. When it comes to your main doors, we advise you to install draught-proofing strips to reduce heat loss. These are good for both internally and externally. 

Draught excluders are great for those doors inside your home. They also cost little money so you do not need to worry about the cost. You don’t need to have draught excluders in every room, just those that you will be spending the most time in. Your living room and bedrooms should have draught excluders to keep the heat in and the cold air out.


Your floor is another place where you can lose heat due to people having wooden flooring. Wooden flooring is quite old-fashioned and we believe you should get carpets installed in your home to keep the warmth. However, carpets can be expensive so if you cannot afford them, we suggest you buy a rug instead to cover those gaps in your wooden flooring. Rugs are inexpensive and they can make a massive difference in your home.


Finally, we have curtains which can reduce the heat that is lost in your home. A lot of modern homes now will have blinds in their homes instead of curtains however, curtains can make a great addition. Not only will they look good for decoration but, when they are closed, they can reduce heat loss. However, if you have a conservatory, we would suggest installing conservatory roof blinds to reduce any heat loss there.

To Conclude

As you can see, there are many areas in your home where you can lose heat. Nonetheless, there are many things that you can buy for your home to ensure heat is not lost in your home. Some of them are expensive but there are also a lot of cheap items which you can buy to reduce any heat loss. Finally, make sure you save up for those expensive items before the winter months arrive.