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How to Find Companies that Practice Sustainable Manufacturing

A growing number of manufacturing companies are realizing the benefits of sustainable manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing offers significant business advantages as well as benefits to the environment. Retailers are increasingly turning to sustainable manufacturers to be their suppliers.

Sustainable business processes can help preserve natural resources and reduce air and water pollution. If you are interested in promoting sustainable manufacturing practices, here are ways to find companies that practice sustainable manufacturing.

What is Sustainable Manufacturing

The Environmental Protection Agency defines sustainable manufacturing as “the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.” Sustainable manufacturing also increases safety for employees and the community. Sustainable manufacturing is also called green or eco-friendly manufacturing.

Common examples of sustainable manufacturing are furniture and product containers made with reclaimed or recycled materials, electronics made with energy-efficient components, and green factory materials such as low-VOC paints and reclaimed insulation.

Sustainable manufacturing also includes more efficient supply chains. More capable supply chains enable companies to raise reliability and lower delivery times. It also enables manufacturers to produce just the number of products needed and avoid unwanted surpluses.

Sustainable manufacturing strives to:

•           Minimize pollution and harmful emissions

•           Avoid harming the local environment

•           Reduce waste of raw materials

•           Lower consumption of energy, water, and other resources

•           Increase safety for workers and surrounding communities

With environmental issues like pollution and climate change regularly featured by the news media, corporations and the American people are concerned about how manufacturing impacts the earth. Resellers actively seek suppliers that use sustainable manufacturing, and consumers look for products made with sustainable processes.

Manufacturers themselves are also recognizing the business benefits of sustainability. Reduced use and waste of energy and raw materials lower costs and increase profits. Also, sustainable plants can better meet government and industry regulations and offer companies access to government grants and tax credits.

How to Find Companies That Practice Sustainable Manufacturing

While many companies claim to be environmentally friendly, businesses and consumers who want to work with sustainable manufacturers must research more deeply. Some questions to look into are:

•           Does the company use sustainable raw materials?

•           Does it have waste management and recycling programs?

•           Does it use clean energy?

•           Does it manage greenhouse emissions and actively seek to reduce them?

•           Does it have specific sustainability objectives and metrics?

•           Does it measure the environmental impact of its manufacturing process?

Companies may focus on being environmentally friendly but cannot always practice sustainability throughout the manufacturing chain. They may use sustainable practices in one part of their process but not another. For example, a supplier may use locally sourced materials but rely on fossil fuels to process them.

Companies and products may also have sustainability certifications that help you identify them. A well-known example is Energy Star, which identifies energy-efficient products. Andersen Corporation and Burton Energy Group have received Energy Star Partner of the Year awards for excellence in sustainability.

Many companies that have institutionalized sustainability have an environmental management system. An EMS defines the rules and guidelines for implementing and tracking sustainable processes. A company with an EMS has eco-friendly processes and is diligent about managing its environmental impact.

You can also check online or with the EPA to find out whether it has sanctioned a company for gross violations of environmental laws or regulations.

Other Sustainable Manufacturing Practices

There are other sustainable practices companies can use. These include:

•           Actively looking for and repairing leaks

•           Recycling waste instead of sending it to landfills

•           Encouraging remote work and virtual meetings

•           Eliminating unnecessary product packaging

•           Installing energy-efficient lighting

•           Using automation and smart systems to help workers spot leaks and reduce waste caused by human error

For example, Electrolux, the appliance manufacturer, switches off all equipment when not in use and has installed motion sensors for lighting. Engineering and maintenance staff also find and promptly repair air leaks.

Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for EMG Automation GmbH

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