You are currently viewing 9 Technological Innovations that are Helping to Save the Environment

9 Technological Innovations that are Helping to Save the Environment

Almost every aspect of our daily lives has been improved in one way or another by technology and

technology has also helped us to solve some of our biggest problems. However, technology and the

race to develop newer and better solutions for our problems has also led to the creation of

environmental issues that have now become some of the most pressing problems faced by

humanity. However, technology and technological innovations can play a big role in reducing the

effect that humans have on the planet. Let’s take a closer look at how technology can be used to

save the environment around us:

Digitalisation Reduces the Need for Paper

The production of paper is a major source of deforestation and leads to the destruction of plant life

as well as the habitats of animals. Digitalisation, however, tackles this problem head-on by reducing

the amount of paper that is used daily. From public institutions to the shops that we use

on a daily basis, more and more business is moving away from printed documents in favour of their

digital counterparts.

Applications Power Sharing of Services

Sharing applications like Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb all help to reduce the effect that our everyday

activities have on nature. Video streaming, for example, eliminates the need to create storage media

like DVDs that pollute the environment, and using services like Uber reduces the number of cars on

the road. All of these activities ultimately reduce the number of greenhouse gases we create.

Electric Mobility

Yes, electric cars and busses still have an impact on the environment, but it cannot be argued that

the impact is significantly smaller than that of conventional fossil fuel vehicles. With recent advances

in battery manufacturing and EV technology, electric mobility is becoming a real prospect for more

and more people. This will undoubtedly reduce the world’s dependency on fossil fuels and reduce

the production of harmful gasses.

Smart Home Technology

From how we heat and cool our houses to how we light them at night, smart technology

is making it easier for us to save energy and reduce the impact that our houses have on the

environment. Items like solar panels or heat pumps use significantly less energy to heat our homes

and reduce the load on the public utility infrastructure.

Renewable Technology

New and imaginative technology like solar glass makes it possible for us to integrate earth-saving

features into everyday objects. Solar glass, for example, can be used to replace existing windows

with electricity-generating ones. In this way, the same space can be used to generate electricity and

allow natural light into the building.

Tech can be Used to Monitor the Environment

From sensors that check the air quality to high-tech drones that can search for poachers or

endangered animals, technology is finding a variety of interesting applications in the world of

sustainability. After all, measuring is knowing so it only makes sense to use technology to monitor

our progress on solving issues such as greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Plant-Based Plastics

Plastic is one of the most useful objects that man has ever created, and it can be found in almost

anything. However, it is also one of the most problematic from an ecological viewpoint. Some plastic

materials can take 100s of years to decay if they can decay at all while others end up polluting the

oceans and rivers where they pose a threat to animals. However, plant-based plastics might offer an

excellent way to combat this. Not only is this form of plastic readily biodegradable, but it also does

not require harmful petroleum-based chemicals during the manufacturing process.

Graphene, the Wonder Material

Graphene is a wonder material that has a host of useful properties. It is thinner than paper and more

conductive than copper which means that it could be used in almost anything from superconductors

that can transfer electricity over long distances without big losses to high-efficiency water filtration

systems. There is even speculation that the material might be suitable for the production of ultra-efficient solar panel modules.

Imitated Meat

While mock meat might not be to everyone’s taste, it holds a host of benefits for the environment.

The meat production industry is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters and it consumes vast

amounts of water, land, and other resources. Switching over to fake meat might make a lot of sense

when you weigh the advantages it offers, especially considering that it might be possible to produce

this meat for less money which could give poorer people access to better food.


Technology is a very sharp double-edged sword that has the potential if applied correctly, to make

our lives much easier whilst at the same time protecting the environment. The world is waking up to

the fact that life as we know it is unsustainable and we must make changes if we are to continue

living on planet earth. Technology might just end up being our saving grace.

Author Bio: Eoin Pigott is a Business Development Associate for Wisetek, a global leader in IT Asset Disposition, Data Destruction, & IT Reuse.