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Your 10 Step Guide To Sustainable Living

Baby steps go a long way in sustainable and eco-friendly living. The changes you choose to make in your lifestyle do not have to be drastic; they can be as simple as carrying your own water bottle wherever you go.

The ultimate goal is to reduce waste and use the resources available to us efficiently and consciously. There is no exhaustive list of tips, but you have to begin somewhere, so we have made a note often. You can compare this list to what you already do in your daily life and see where you might need improvement in your habits.

Whether you’ve decided to go green to save money, help the environment, or just to see how easy it is, taking small steps can help take you towards an eco-friendlier way of living that can help the world in the long run. Whether you’re just starting out or you want some tips and advice, here is the ultimate 15-step guide to eco-friendly living.

If you’re able to get from A to B without the need for a vehicle, you should do it. Making the journey by foot, public transport, or bike can make a huge difference in your carbon footprint. Unless you drive an electric vehicle, you won’t be leading a very eco-friendly way of life. If you need to drive to get to work, make sure to keep your speed down, ensure your tires are properly inflated, and make sure your engine is running smoothly.

Whether it’s by turning off electronic equipment that’s not in use, investing in eco-friendly technology, switching to renewables, or making huge changes such as insulating your home or installing solar panels to your property, these are just a few essential tips that can help you live a more eco-friendly life, helping to do your bit for the environment.

#1 Don’t use plastic bags when shopping; instead, take your bags for groceries. Trust us, and you will be saying no to a lot of single-use plastic in this process. This said, avoid buying plastic-wrapped products and opt for paper bags.

#2 Carry your water bottle when you step out. Stop buying bottled water! Get into the habit of treating your stainless steel or copper reusable bottle as a wallet or an essential accessory.

#3 Carry a handkerchief instead of using tissues. You can wash these little pieces of fabric in a mug of water when you are done using them every day.

#4 Stalk your dirty laundry and wash them once you have a full basket. You will not just useless portions of water but save on electricity too. While you are at it, switch over from commercial detergents to soap nut solutions, this practice will help you reduce the toxic chemicals released in the soil.

#5 Use natural and organic products. We at Verth curate organic and eco-conscious products from ethical brands and artisans from around the country, supporting small and local businesses. You don’t have to worry about where to start; our subscription box gives you the ignition you need at an affordable price.

#6 Be conscious about the electricity you are using. Don’t leave your chargers plugged in overnight. Stop opening the fridge without reason. Take cold water baths during summer. Service your air conditioner and other appliances from time to time. And always switch off behind you.

#7 Buy less. Before you buy anything, ask yourself these questions: “Do I need it?”, “What am I replacing by purchasing this” “Will I use it more than three times” “Can I borrow this or use a second hand?”, “If this was not on sale, would I still buy it?”. If you are still confused, save the item to your wish list and visit it later to see if you still need it as desperately.

#8 Grow your own herbs and food. You don’t need a big space to grow your own little kitchen garden; you can start out with just an old reusable plastic container to sow some seeds. The more you perfect the art of growing your own food, the more sense of comfort you will feel when eating them. Also, you will know there are no pesticides in this lot.

#9 Learn how to fix your stuff. Have a hole in your dress, pick up a needle and thread to sew it together. Have a broken appliance, visit the local electrician to get it fixed. Upcycle and recycle as much as you can. Remember, the life of anything you use is in your hands, even if it means giving something a second life.

#10 Educate yourself and keep yourself informed about what’s happening in the industry. Pay attention to the little choices you make. Join a like-minded group on social media, have fruitful discussions, and attend a talk or webinar when possible. There is no end to learning a sustainable way of life.

This is just the beginning. Are you already doing all of these things to live sustainably? If not, we challenge you to choose one (or more) that you can adopt; let us know what it will be. Also, tell us how you are living sustainably compared to what’s mentioned here.

Author Bio: Vivek Roy is an enthusiastic Tech and gadget blogger from India. He loves to share tips and news from all around the world. For more information about him, visit his website, Leaf Studios.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.