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What to Prepare Before Getting Computer Repairs

Having your computer break down on you can be crippling for many. After all, it may be your only source of entertainment if you do not have a television in your apartment. It may even be your source of income if you work mostly online. Whatever the case is, it is necessary to search for “Computer Repairs Near Me”, so you have somewhere to go to if your computer suddenly malfunctions.

But of course, like any other service you book, you need to be prepared so that you will not be blindsided by promises of quick and guaranteed fixes at affordable rates. So it would help if you also prepared a few things before handing over your computer to the computer repair shop.

You will learn what you should do before having your computer fixed by a professional on this page.

Backup your files

There is a big chance that a factory reset must be done. Like phones, a software problem usually gets fixed if you do a complete factory reset to the gadget, and it is the same with computers. It resets the software completely to purge any viruses or other harmful data from the computer to get it back in good shape.

However, the downside of it is it will delete all of your files. These will be deleted from the applications you have downloaded to the important files in the folders you have tucked away in the document section unless you have it backed up. You can back it up on the Cloud, or you could have a copy in a flash drive. Either way, back it up before you hand it over.

Encrypt important documents

A factory reset might not be needed if you know that the problem has nothing to do with the software. However, you may also not be comfortable resetting it completely, so you decide to keep all of your files on the computer. However, if there is sensitive information, you may want to encrypt it so the computer technician will not have access to them.

You can have your files enciphered so that if someone at the computer shop takes advantage of the situation and extracts your files, they will not decipher it. It is especially important for documents relating to your personal information or information about your business.

Make your computer accessible

Now that you have taken the necessary steps to keep your information safe, you should now proceed to make your computer accessible. It would be pointless to hand over your computer to the technician if they cannot even check the contents of your computer for troubleshooting.

You can go forward and disable the password option so they can have access to your computer while they fix it. This way, you will not have to give their password, especially if you are using this password for other applications. Let the technician know what you have noticed so they can focus on the problem at hand instead of looking at every single component.

Before you search for “Computer Repairs Near Me”, make sure that you do these steps first and then take a decision. Backup your files, encrypt your documents and folders and make your computer easier to access so that the repair process will go smoothly.

Author Bio: Steffy Alen is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.  

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay.