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The Benefits of Adopting a Dry Lifestyle

Alcohol has been a part of human life for millennia. In the middle ages, people even viewed alcohol as a more nutritious alternative to water and drank beer as a calorie laden-beverage to help them while toiling in fields and farms.   

However, we know now that alcohol has a harmful effect on the body. Alcohol comes with long-term health risks like high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, digestive issues, and early cognitive decline.

Adopting a dry lifestyle can actively improve your health and wellness. Switching tequila for tap water is great for your well-being and can even help you discover new hobbies and interests.


Digestion is key to your long-term health and wellness. Common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can throw off your mental focus and undermine your ability to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Regularly consuming alcohol has a detrimental impact on the digestive system. Drinking alcohol damages the lining of your digestive tract and increases acid production in your stomach. This can cause abrasion and swelling in the stomach and may increase your risk of GERD.

Alcohol is infamous for its harmful effect on the liver, too. When alcohol reaches the liver, it is converted into acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a poisonous substance that can cause tissue damage and increase inflammation in the body. Over time, this may cause jaundice.

Adopting a dry lifestyle can improve the effectiveness of your digestive system and help you sidestep the negative effects of alcohol. Replacing alcohol with herbal teas can improve digestion and may even alleviate some symptoms of conditions like IBS and GERD.


Alcohol is a depressant that can help drinkers feel relaxed and sleepy. However, long-term use of alcohol will undermine your sleep quality and duration. This is a serious issue, as you need to pass through all four phases of the sleep cycle multiple times every night to enjoy the restorative benefits of shut-eye.

Going dry can help improve your sleep quality and duration by mitigating your risk of conditions like sleep apnea and insomnia. Further boost your body’s ability to repair itself by undergoing an eco-friendly detox. Drink plenty of water, eat more raw foods, and get 7 to 9 hours of rest per night. 

Over time, you’ll see that the benefits of great sleep quality far outweigh the enjoyment of drinking. You’ll have more energy, will feel physically fitter, and should experience heightened cognitive function.

Alcohol-Free Hobbies

Going sober is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. However, you may find that your social life suffers in the early days of sobriety. Without visiting pubs and clubs, you could end up isolated from your social group.

Replace your alcohol-based social time with hobbies that promote your mental health. For example, collecting items and antique objects can be a great way to socialize with people who share a similar interest to you. Diving deep into the culture of a collection-based group can be deeply rewarding, too, as people have been collecting coins, comics, and playing cards for generations.

If you want to put your newfound strength and fitness to use, consider signing up to play a sport. Some of the best outdoor sports for active adults include:

  • Horseback riding
  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Golf
  • Pickleball

These sports are engaging and can have a steep learning curve. You’ll never miss drinking when you’re thinking about learning a new technique or honing your swing.

Leading a dry lifestyle can alleviate symptoms of common conditions like sleep apnea and GERD. You’ll also have more time, money, and energy after going sober that can be put to use in pursuing a new hobby. Just remember to replace alcohol with something like herbal tea to minimize the risk of relapse.

Image source Unsplash