Nine Benefits of Bamboo Toilet Paper
On the journey to develop more environmentally friendly habits, bamboo has many advantages. Bamboo is forest-friendly, preventing the destruction of trees which protect our natural environment and serve as habitats for many species of animal. Bamboo is a far more sustainable material with many attributes which make it ideal for producing eco-friendly toilet paper.
- Trees and CO2

Saving trees is essential to living on this planet sustainably. Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere and produce oxygen, creating a healthier atmosphere for humans and helping the planet to breathe. By purchasing bamboo toilet paper, you are benefiting the environment by purchasing forest-friendly products which prevent the destruction of trees. Small actions such as these help the environment by not investing in industries which harm our planet very detrimentally.
- Bamboo Growth Rate

Bamboo is an incredibly fast-growing species of grass, making it a highly sustainable product. Bamboos have been recorded to have grown up to thirty-five inches in a day. This makes them the fastest growing plant on the planet, ideal for people seeking to go green. The production of eco-friendly toilet paper is therefore very sustainable, because production of bamboo is both fast and adaptable.
When we compare the bamboo growth rate with that of trees which are used to make normal toilet paper, not only can we see that bamboo is a more sustainable choice, it also saves time and resources like water which are becoming increasingly limited in the growing climate crisis.
- Lack of Chemicals, Inks and Fragrances

What many people don’t realise is that we don’t need the plethora of chemicals used in most of our products, especially normal toilet roll. Chlorine is used in most normal toilet paper, as well as fragrances. Environmentally conscious toilet paper, such as bamboo toilet paper, do not use harsh chemicals like chlorines, dyes or fragrances, using either natural alternatives or none at all. This is a simple measure for helping the environment, preventing the use of chemicals which can be dangerous to humans, animals, and the environment when toilet paper is disposed of.
As well as this, the trees which are used in the production of normal toilet paper rely on pesticides and chemicals for improved growth, damaging the natural environment in order to produce more unsustainable products.
- Reduction in Plastic Packaging

As bamboo toilet paper is produced by environmentally conscious brands, you are unlikely to find bamboo toilet paper with plastic packaging – it would seem counter-intuitive. This means that when you buy bamboo toilet paper, you get peace of mind that you are not wasting any non-recyclable materials. Sustainable packaging is one of the many benefits of using bamboo toilet paper.
When we think about the reasoning behind plastic packaging, it doesn’t make that much sense. It is typically considered a more sanitary option, but much like the chemicals in wood-pulp toilet roll, it isn’t a necessary component of the product which keeps us safe.
- Less Water Used
Bamboo growth requires far less water than trees, which require longer growth periods with far less effective material outputs. It is estimated that bamboo uses thirty percent less water than hardwood trees. By using less water we are making an active choice as consumers to conserve energy for the good of the planet.
When we stop to think about how many communities on this planet face a shortage of water, the immense waste of water we create in producing environmentally ineffective products should cause us to question our consumer habits.
- Bamboo Is Versatile

Bamboo is an incredibly sustainable plant, known for being one of the most tolerant species in the world. Bamboo can easily be propagated and is adaptable to five of the world’s eight climate zones, meaning it can be grown in a variety of different environments with ease. Coupled with bamboo’s growth speed, this makes it one of the most helpful plants for green living.
Bamboo’s impressive versatility means it can be used in a variety of sustainable items, such as bamboo toilet roll, and is available in a variety of locations across the world. This allows companies to produce bamboo with an emphasis on moderation and environmental causes rather than overproducing or having to out-source product.
- Bamboo Toilet Paper Is Biodegradable

While we might be impressed by the claim that regular toilet paper is recyclable, we should consider how valuable that is when recycling of toilet paper, including cleaning, requires vast amounts of water and electricity. Bamboo toilet paper is generally biodegradable, meaning that it is safe for septic systems and will disintegrate naturally over time.
- No Animals are Harmed
Panda habitat isn’t destroyed by the production of bamboo toilet paper, whereas destruction of trees destroys many different habitats for certain species. Tree-free products are not only better for the planet because they are recyclable, they pose less threat of endangering species. In fact, the species of bamboo used for products such as toilet paper are not consumed by pandas at all. When you use bamboo toilet paper, you can have peace of mind that your purchase is not furthering the endangerment of panda bears.
- Less Land Is Used

One key benefit of bamboo is that it grows incredibly densely, meaning that less land is used and less soil is harmed in the production of bamboo. In terms of raw material, you can get plenty more bamboo from a square mile than you can hard wood. This makes Bamboo a plant which allows for greater sustainability of environments.
When we compare the production of bamboo toilet paper with typical wood-pulp toilet papers, the ability to grow more bamboo, which is readily usable for products such as toilet paper, calls into question why so much land is invested in the production of hardwood for wood-pulp, which requires far more production than simply the harvesting of raw materials, as in the production of bamboo toilet paper.
The benefits of bamboo make it clear to see that by switching to tree-free alternatives you can protect nature and work towards ensuring the survival of the planet, as well as allowing you the peace of mind that the product you are using is as healthy as it is effective.
While the war against climate change is a challenging and complex prospect, investing in bamboo products which aim to protect the environment, such as bamboo toilet paper, ensure we are playing our part, and making our intention known, when it comes to restoring the health of our planet.
Author Bio:
Omri Barmats – His mission is to help people make “greener” choices in their shopping cart. The Lessen is his online platform for recommending eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products, and for talking about green consumerism in general.