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Tips For Readying Your Home For The Summer

The summer is ahead of us, which means fun in the sun, awesome family vacations, and potentially higher utility bills. If you want to enjoy the warmer months without breaking the bank or hurting the planet, then proper preparations are in order. Here are the tips we recommend for homeowners who want to get the most out of their homes during the summer months while doing what’s best for their family and the earth.

Seal The Gaps In Your Home

The arrival of summer means it’s time to go through your maintenance to-do list, and the first thing on the agenda should be to check and seal the perimeter of your doors and windows. There are multiple reasons why you should do this in preparation for summer.

For one thing, doing so can keep bugs and rodents out of your house so you aren’t pestered while trying to enjoy the season. The issue can be much worse if you have unsealed food and a mess in your kitchen, so seal up those sandwiches and watermelon slices. Bugs can bring disease into your property, so take care of the issue.

You should also seal the windows and doors because doing so will lead to a more efficient household, especially when you’re running the air conditioning. Your AC must run harder and longer than necessary if a lot of that air is leaking out of the house, so you’re wasting energy and not feeling as cool as you could be.

Seal up the windows and then install a smart thermostat so you can set the temperature during the day and continue to conserve energy by setting it for cold temps during the afternoon and evening and raising the temperature or keeping it off while you’re at work or school.

Prepare Your Backyard for Fun in the Sun

A great way to reduce the unnecessary usage of lights and appliances is to turn them off and get outside. If you believe you don’t have a reason to spend time in the backyard, then make one by updating your landscaping and adding cool features.

Even if you don’t have a huge backyard, there are still several unique and affordable landscaping ideas that you can apply that will get you excited about time outside. You can start by beautifying the space with vertical gardens and window boxes where you can plant gorgeous perennial plants that will pop up and thrive each year.

If you have a larger space, you have more options, like installing a deck or adding a firepit so you can entertain guests. This is also a good time to update the pool. Although they require a lot of energy, you can make your pool more sustainable by using solar-powered pool equipment and installing LED lights around the perimeter for safety.

Freshen Up The Indoors

With the kids home from school, there will likely be more people inside than usual. Take the opportunity to make it more hospitable. Start by improving indoor air quality with air purifiers that will reduce summertime allergies and help everyone to get better sleep at night.

Next, clean your house in preparation for summer parties and family get-togethers. You can make your home spotless and help the planet by using eco-friendly cleaning products. Use them to clean everything from the countertops to the windows.

Before summer approaches, take some time to do some spring cleaning, including:

  1. Removing debris and unnecessary clutter around your home.
  2. Cleaning out the closets and removing any clothes you haven’t worn for the past 12 months.
  3. Thoroughly dust the surfaces, light fixtures, and ceiling fans so the particles don’t cause health issues for your loved ones.

These are just a handful of the tips you should add to your summer to-do list in 2023. Take time to beautify and clean your space and think about the planet as you do, and the earth will reward you with a beautiful summer.

Image Source: Unsplash.