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Natural Skin Cleansers to Keep Every Skin Type Clean

Everyone wants beautiful skin. Regardless of how much time someone spends in the mirror, we all want to put our best foot forward for our overall skin health. And in this hustle and bustle world, it often becomes difficult to implement a regular skincare routine, often leaving us to suffer with dull, unhealthy skin. But by taking the time to develop a systematic cleansing procedure, you can soothe and revitalize your skin, giving you back your natural glow.

Natural Cleansers for All Skin Types

When dealing with skincare, it’s always a good idea to choose natural products free of harsh chemicals. Many cleansers are filled with ingredients that can dry out and irritate already inflamed skin, so it’s important to seek natural remedies as often as possible. And there’s nothing more natural than some of the home remedies we’ve listed below:

1.      Chickpea Powder and Turmeric

Chickpea powder makes a great exfoliant, and turmeric does wonders for oily skin!

2.      Milk

Milk has cooling and hydrating properties that make it a fantastic base in your next cleanser. Mix it with an ingredient with exfoliating properties to cleanse your pores of oils and debris.

3.      Gram Flour and Yogurt Facial Cleanser

Much like the properties of milk, yogurt provides a great cleanser base, and gram flour has effective exfoliating capabilities, clearing your pores of oils and debris that may cause breakouts.

4.      Oat and Buttermilk Facial Cleanser

Oats are natural exfoliants and are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities. Mix this ingredient with buttermilk to make a fantastic facial cleanser that will leave your skin silky and glowing.

5.      Strawberries

Strawberries contain natural enzymes and are an excellent solution to oily skin. Just mash them up for a great cleansing face mask. Not to mention they’re a sweet and delicious treat!

6.      Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an effective skin cleanser due to its natural acidic qualities, maintaining your pH balance, and exfoliating your skin.

7.      Honey and Lemon Facial Cleanser

Honey is a fantastic moisturizer, and is jammed full of antioxidants that prevent inflammation, keeping your skin clear, hydrated and healthy.

8.      Cucumber and Cream

The hydrating and cooling benefits of cucumbers and cream have long been known. These ingredients will leave your face feeling smooth, cool, and moisturized. Cucumbers are also an excellent remedy for sunburned or irritated skin.

9.      Papaya, Oatmeal, and Milk

Papaya is great for combination skin. Joining it with the exfoliating qualities of Oatmeal and the hydrating benefits of milk, your skin will feel luxurious, clean, and smooth. Not to mention it smells great!

10.  Tomatoes

Cold tomato slices rubbed on the skin feels lovely, but it also cleanses skin and reduces pore size. Spend ten minutes with this treatment and your skin will thank you!

Choosing the Right Cleanser

Picking the right cleanser for your skin is a bit of a dance. You’ll need to experiment a bit to find the right solution for your particular skin. It’s imperative to avoid products that might cause a reaction.

1.      Know Your Skin Type

There are several different skin types, and each type may require a different approach in terms of treatment. Check below to see what category your skin falls under:

          –          Oily: This skin type is generally noted by shiny, greasy skin with larger sized pores. 

          –          Dry: A common skin type with itchy, flaky skin that produces very little oil.

       –          Combination: This skin type usually exhibits a combination of oily skin and dry patches. This skin type can be tricky to treat, so you’ll want to take special consideration for treatment if you have combination skin.

        –          Sensitive: A skin type that’s often red, splotchy, and prone to irritations, reactions and breakouts.

2.      Allergies

It’s always important to know just what ingredients cause allergic reactions. Many different products, even natural remedies, contain ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. Rashes, hives, and bumps are all symptoms of allergies, so stay aware of just how your skin responds to different cleansers.

3.      Perform a Patch Test

You’ll want to test out your new cleansing remedy on a select patch of skin prior to your first full use. This will prevent your entire face from breaking out should your skin react to the new product. 

Cleansing Properly

Despite seeming like an obvious process, many people fail to clean their faces in a healthy manner, and end up suffering from dull, blotchy skin as a result. We’ve compiled a few tips to help you make sure you’re cleaning your skin the right way.

–       Massage cleansers around your face for at least one minute, giving it enough time to soak in and adequately cleanse. Take your time! The longer you wait, the better results you’ll see.

–        Do not over-wash your face. Overwashing can irritate and damage the skin.

–     Mind your water temperature! Hot water can strip your skin of essential oils, so take special care to use warm water only when cleansing your face.

–     Always cleanse before bed! Failing to thoroughly clean your skin prior to bed can allow oils to penetrate your sheets and pillows, clogging your pores and causing future breakouts.

Diet and Hydration

Hydration is hands-down the most crucial facet to ensuring healthy, vibrant skin. Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet can reduce excess oils, alleviate breakouts, and promote the development of even skin tones.