Environmentally-Friendly Ways To Clean Your House
Is there anything more relaxing than cleaning your house and getting rid of all the dust and dirt? But what is both calming is the fact that most of the products that we are using when we are cleaning our homes are toxic to both you and the environment. It is quite hard to find a good replacement that will take out all the stubborn stains and kill all the bacteria, but luckily there have been more and more products like that. If you want to be more eco-friendly coming into the new year, here are some of the best ways you can accomplish that.
Make Your Own All-purpose Cleaner
What a lot of people don’t realize is how many things you can deep clean with just vinegar and baking soda. They are true visors but a lot of people don’t know how to use them properly. They are non-toxic and 90 per cent of people will have them in their pantries.
The First and most important thing that you can do with baking soda and vinegar mix is clean all the grime, scum as well as mold off any surface in your house. It is one of the best things that you can use to clean your bathroom and kitchen. This amazing mixture is also amazing at cleaning windows, grout as well as your floors. Another great thing that baking soda and vinegar can do is clean out your microwave. It will soften the food residue and will make it super simple to wipe off. Baking soda is also great for odor, so all you need to do is stick a box in wherever you want the smell gone and you are good to go.
Use Lemons To Polish Things
Another thing that people don’t know about is just how awesome lemons are. With just a little bit of baking soda and lemons, you will be able to polish stainless steel just as well as when using a product that has toxic elements in it. That is because lemons contain citric acid which is great for cleaning. All you need to do is cut a lemon in half, sprinkle on some baking soda and use the lemon as a polishing sponge. On top of that, you can use the lemon as compost after using it.
Scent Your Home Naturally
A big part of cleaning is filling your home with a magnificent smell. Instead of buying mass-produced candles that are bad for the environment, why not fill your home with a healthy homemade potpourri. If that is not something that you are a fan of, choose cleaner products like essential oils as they don’t contain paraffin wax that fills your home with smells as well as a toxic chemical. Many places such as Australia has been raising awareness of chemical use and striving to ultimately eliminate the use of any toxic chemicals
Reuse Those Old Toothbrushes
Toothbrushes are really hard to recycle, so why not reuse them. They can come in handy in so many different ways. They are amazing for cleaning your nails as well as places that are very hard to reach. An old toothbrush is a great thing to clean water bottle dispenses with, shower tracks, grout or anything that is hard to reach with a sponge or a mop. Just make sure that you are storing them in a very different spot than your new toothbrush so there are no mix-ups. It will not only be super gross, but it can also make you very sick.
Stop Using Kitchen Towels
What a lot of people don’t know is that kitchen tiles are not recyclable. In most cases, they are made out of the wood pulp and they are blacked with masses of toxic chemicals and on top of that, it comes in plastic packages. There are so many different eco options for your kitchen towels. One of the most popular towels are made from bamboo and can be reused many times.
Hire Professional Cleaners
Another thing that people simply don’t think about is that hiring professional cleaners is actually a great eco-friendly hack that you can do. That is because even if they do use some form of conventional cleaner that is not necessarily eco-friendly, you are not the one pushing it and you are certainly not using it often as they will come once a month or less. When you are doing something like this, you have to make sure that you are hiring a professional and trusted local house cleaning companies.
Upcycle Waste Paper And Magazines
For those who are still keeping their newspapers and magazines in their house and there is no simple way for you to recycle them, there are a few things that you can do. Fist of them is using the old newspaper to clean your windows with them or making things out of them such as little cute baskets or wrapping presents in them.
Use Repurposed Dust Rags
Most households go through paper towels like no other. But that is not eco-friendly at all and it is costing us a lot of trees as well as the power to recycle them all. That is why you should avoid using them and instead repurpose your old cotton shirts as dust rads. You can either cut them into smaller pieces or you can just use the shirts as they are.
Baking Soda Is A Life Saver
As we have mentioned above, when you mix baking soda and vinegar you are making the best all-purpose cleaner for your home, but baking soda on its own is still an amazing thing that you can clean with. Aside from being great at picking up odours from rooms and closets, when you sprinkle some on your carpet or furniture and then vacuum it up, you will get rid of any moisture and bad smells.
Once you get into it and start replacing all of your cleaning supplies with more eco-conscious options, you will just not want to stop until you have all green products. On top of them being so healthy for you and the environment, they are much cheaper than going to the store and buying cleaners.
Author bio:
My name is Grace Wilson. I’m a 28-year-old biotechnologist and kind of a bookish girl. Surfing the Internet is my favourite, that’s why I’ve turned into blogging. Following a healthy mindset and lifestyle is what I consider my life principle. If interested, follow my Twitter.