Smartphones seem to be out of date in no time, you sign up for the latest model as soon as your old contract ends, but a few months in and there’s a better, faster version hitting the shops. For years we all bought into this throw-away culture but today we know that it’s simply not sustainable. But what to do about our mobile phone addiction? Life without a phone that connects us 24/7 to friends, work and social media is unthinkable. So the next best thing is to own and use a smartphone responsibly. It doesn’t take much of a sacrifice. Honestly.
1. Extend The Life Of Your Device
A whopping 85% to 95% of your phone’s carbon footprint is taken up by the manufacturing process. This statistic includes mining the metals used, producing circuits, assembly of the phone and packing and shipping. With these facts in mind, an easy way to reduce the impact of having a smartphone is to buy fewer of them over your lifetime. In the UK, it’s not uncommon to own a phone from the age of 10 to 80, so that’s 70 years of phone use to consider. Look after your device and protect it from loss or damage so it lasts as long as possible. Rather than chucking a phone if it breaks it’s better to fix it – replace that cracked screen and install a new battery when possible to extend the phone’s usefulness. Don’t rush to get the latest model, hang onto your phone longer for the benefit of the planet.
2. Be Less Reliant On Your Smartphone
It takes energy to run your phone all day. We’re not talking about the electricity it takes to recharge the battery, it’s the energy burned by telecom technology that’s the big concern. If everybody used their data a little bit less, it would quickly add up. Think about each selfie, text, Instagram post and email and ask yourself if it’s really necessary. We all know that less screen time is better for our health, so if it helps the environment too, it’s even more important.
3. Pick Sustainable Phone Accessories

Photo by Burst from Pexels
Most of us purchase a bunch of accessories to go with our smartphones. A phone cover protects your device, so it’s a good thing to get, but many of them are made using virgin plastic. Choose one instead that’s manufactured from recycled materials or a plant-based fibre. Some brands use recycled ocean plastic – what a great way to repurpose the rubbish found in our seas. Portable chargers also come in eco-friendly materials, look out for these to make a difference.
4. Buy A Refurbished Devise
If you have to get a new phone, buy a refurbished model from a trusted company. Often they are in mint condition and installed with all the latest bells and whistles. While you’re at it, think about getting a refurbed laptop too – there’s no end of great bargains that will serve you well. Buying second-hand is not only eco-friendly; you’ll save yourself some cash at the same time. Win, win.
5. Don’t Forget To Recycle Your Old Mobile
Your old phone might have died, but it can still be valuable to the right people. The metals and materials inside can be recycled and used again – copper, silver, gold and palladium can be retrieved from the inner workings of smartphones. You can sell your old phone and get some cash or you could hand it in for responsible recycling at a retail shop or local government centre. The third option is to donate it to charities that wipe them and give them to people at home or abroad who can use them.
6. Choose A Responsible Brand

Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels
If you have to get a brand-spanking-new mobile phone, go for a brand that is trying to make a difference. For example, Apple has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030. They are employing a range of methods to achieve this, including using more recycled materials, investing in solar energy and improving forests for wildlife. Take a close look at each smartphone manufacturer to understand what they are doing to lower their effect on the planet and buy responsibly.
In a Nutshell
It’s estimated that 5 billion of us use a mobile phone every day globally – that’s a lot of messages and photos being shared every minute. Just a little tweak to the way everyone buys or uses their devices can make an enormous difference to the world. Own the same phone a little longer, buy sustainable accessories and recycle old devices – these are easy steps to take. If this makes perfect sense to you, then take a look at all your home electronics. There are eco-friendly ways to shop for most gadgets with little research. Being eco-friendly doesn’t have to be hard.
Author Bio: This article was written by Seamus Dunne of Conversation Piece. Conversation Piece is a leading player in telecommunications, providing VoIP Phone Systems nationwide to large and small-scale businesses.
Top Photo by George Dolgikh @ from Pexels