Our children give us a new life, they bring us joy and define our happiness, they bring light into
our worlds and they are the most important beings to us. Therefore, as parents, we should
ensure that our children’s future is secure and safe; we must protect the environment and take
care of the earth to do so.
Sustainable parenthood will allow you to save the environment and make your children’s future
brighter. Moreover, eco-friendly parenting will allow you to raise your kids to be environmentally
conscious. As a mother, you may be wondering about the simplest ways to take care of your
children while staying sustainable and efficient. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is difficult in this
day and age, and it’s especially difficult with children, however, it’s entirely possible and as you
learn more about sustainability, you will find it much easier to incorporate sustainability into your
everyday life.
Why is it difficult to stay sustainable while parenting?
Sustainably navigating parenthood is quite challenging. As a parent, you have little time, energy,
and money to purchase eco-friendly products only, avoid using plastic, and recycle waste.
Therefore, you may be leaning toward using disposable products as it seems like the easiest
way to avoid having to clean more. As a mother with so much on your plate, the idea may be
extremely tempting, and understandably so.
However, if you start to live a sustainable lifestyle and become an eco-friendly parent right now,
you will soon get used to only using ecologically friendly products, and staying green will be
Navigating parenthood the sustainable way
There are multiple steps you can take to achieve the perfect sustainable lifestyle as a parent.
Being green is not just healthy for the environment, it’s also much healthier for you and your
child. Therefore, you can start by incorporating healthy products and materials into your home.
Renovate your child’s room with sustainable materials
Considering your budget and time flexibility, you could start a journey into sustainable
parenthood by renovating your child’s bedroom with sustainable materials. Firstly, flooring is a
crucial part of the bedroom. Many flooring materials are not dust-resistant, may include
allergens, and can easily be stained, therefore the number of home maintenance problems
Children can be much messier than adults, therefore, when you are choosing materials for your
kid’s bedroom, you first think of the products that are stain and dust-resistant. Luckily, many of
such materials are also sustainable choices. For example, bamboo flooring is popular among
environmental activists. Bamboo is a plant that grows swiftly and therefore, is a rapidly
renewable resource.
Choose Reusable Nappies
Disposable nappies are one of the biggest environmental problems, as parents throw away
approximately three billion disposable nappies in the UK per year. Making up around 3% of
household waste. Reusable nappies are a more environmentally friendly choice for parents. At
first, it may seem like an expensive investment, however, frequently using reusable nappies will
result in reducing waste and you will end up spending less in the long run.
Avoid driving
Avoiding driving in your car more often is not only a better option environmentally, but it’s also
healthier for both you and your baby. Taking strolls and choosing to walk whenever possible is a
better and healthier choice. As your child grows older, you can start using public transport to get
Use homemade baby food
Packaged baby food usually contains unnecessary amounts of sugar and less micronutrients
than homemade meals. Although preparing meals every day may be straining for a parent, it’s
much healthier and sustainable. You will know exactly what goes into your baby’s food and you
will be able to control the amount of sugar and vitamins your child consumes.
Buy second-hand
Purchasing second-hand clothing may seem like an unsanitary choice, however, washing in
boiled water will instantly solve the problem. Thrifting will allow you to save money on clothing
and it’s one of the most effective ways to stay sustainable as a parent. After your baby grows
out of the clothes you can gift them to other parents, keep them for your next children, or resell
Choose natural products
Using natural products is not only sustainable for a parent, but it’s also healthier for your child,
as babies’ skin is quite sensitive. Purchase bamboo hairbrushes, toys made out of natural
materials, and bamboo sheets and socks.
Final Thoughts
Parenthood is tough as it is and it gets more difficult when you try to be eco-friendly. However,
sustainable parenthood is the best way to ensure your child has a healthy future ahead.
Incorporating greenness into your life will allow you to care for the environment where your child
is to grow up, and it will also keep your child healthy.