Have you been itching to change the look of your home? However, we understand if the amount of waste and expense a home makeover can incur stops you from doing so.
Do not worry because there are actionable ways you can give your house an eco-friendly makeover. Keep on reading if you want to gather some earth-friendly home makeover ideas.
Think green when cleaning
If you want to start creating a more eco-friendly home for yourself, you don’t have to begin with grand gestures just yet. You can erase things off with a slow start into the world of sustainability. According to Maid Sailors Home Cleaning Services Austin, you can start by taking a second glance at your cleaning tools and products.
Your cleaning solutions are filled with all sorts of dangerous chemicals that can even harm or irritate you if you stick around them for too long. What do you think would happen to the environment once you wash that away? Aside from that, your cleaning tools might not be biodegradable, so when you throw them away, they might end up stuck in a landfill.
By thinking green when it comes to your cleaning routine, you can make small and sustainable changes. This includes replacing your cleaning solutions with ones made from natural ingredients.
Clean out your storage
Being more environmentally conscious involves being more aware of how you use your resources. You don’t want to be wasteful with any resources you have, and that also means any of the resources in your home you are leaving idle.
Thus, consider how you can dispose of your old items in an eco-friendly way. Think about whether you can sell, repurpose, and compost your belongings. That way, you can send a heavy load of waste to the landfill.
PRO TIP: Organize your items in storage based on what you plan on doing with them. Having separate containers should help you organize them.
Choose paint that is low in VOC

Volatile organic compounds or VOCs are present everywhere, and they can degrade the quality of air around you. Breathing these in can be harmful to you, and it can harm the environment as well. Therefore, you want to reduce your use of any item that releases VOCs into the air.
Paint is a common source of harmful VOCs, so before you purchase a bucket of paint to change your wall color, make sure to read the label. Any paint that doesn’t have VOCs should say so on the label, indicating that it has low VOCs or is free of VOCs.
By choosing non-VOC paint, you won’t be releasing harmful compounds into the air, but you’re still able to paint your walls at home during the makeover.
Opt for reclaimed wood
If you have to use wood for any part of your home makeover, try and look for reclaimed wood to use instead of new ones. It is more environmentally friendly to use reclaimed wood for any potential construction project in your home.
Aside from that, reclaimed wood tends to be more durable than many of the other newly-made materials out there. It’s also worth noting that reclaimed wood is a cheaper material to choose as well, so you’re saving money when building a part of your home too.
Replace your old appliances
If you have any old appliances left running in your home, then consider it a makeover and start replacing those as well. Older machines tend to use a lot more energy to run the same way the modern alternatives do. At the same time, they might not be as efficient as the newer appliances, so they’re not going to be energy-efficient.
By replacing your older appliances with newer and more energy-efficient ones, you aren’t as wasteful with your energy resource. At the same time, your power bills are lower because you don’t have to use as much energy to run these energy-efficient appliances.
Update your lighting

Aside from your old appliances, consider updating your light fixtures as well. Older light bulbs are similar to older devices in that they’re less energy-efficient. They’re probably using up more power than they should do their job.
That’s why it would help to consider updating your lighting and switching to LED bulbs.
LED bulbs can last a lot longer than older lighting. Aside from that, they use a lot less energy to work the same way older bulbs do while being just as bright, if not brighter, than these older bulbs.
Choose sustainable furniture
Before you start shopping for new furniture, consider getting used pieces of furniture instead. This step reduces the need to use more resources to create unique pieces of furniture when there are still old ones that work just as well.
An alternative to doing that would be to get furniture from sustainable sources made from sustainable materials. Some people even get theirs custom-made to be made from sustainable sources.
Double glaze your windows
Being more efficient with power use at home is a great way to make your house more eco-friendly. With that said, one way you can make your home more energy-efficient is by double glazing your windows so that your home is better insulated. That means you won’t use as much energy from temperature control because your double-glazed windows allow you to regulate the indoor temperature.
These are several ways you can do to give your home a makeover without harming the environment. The tips listed above allow you to be eco-conscious while improving your quality of life. Therefore, you won’t regret applying these tips when doing a home makeover.
Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels