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The Guide For a Perfect Eco-friendly DIY Spa Night

Everyone deserves a little time to themselves after a long day. Having a spa night at home can offer us the relaxation we deserve without paying for an expensive massage or exfoliating cream. But many of the products typically used in a spa can have a long list of chemicals that are harsh on the environment. Fortunately, there are homemade alternatives to many of these products that will still help us wind down. Here are a few tips for creating the perfect DIY spa night without damaging the environment.

Set the Mood and Relax

Before you can begin your relaxing evening of pampering yourself, you need to set the right mood. Change into something comfortable such as pajamas, a robe, or a baggy t-shirt. Avoid wearing anything uncomfortably tight or that restricts movement. You should be able to lounge about your home without having to readjust your clothes.

Lighting is another important factor when setting the mood for a spa night. The dimmer you can make your “spa,” the better. Just make sure that you’re still able to see without straining. Candles are an excellent way of dimly lighting a room and they have the added benefit of being scented. Choose candles that are only lightly scented. This is important because strong smells can excite us, which is the opposite of what we want for a spa night.

Music is perhaps the most important element when setting a relaxing mood. Music has a huge impact on our emotions, so choose a playlist that encourages you to unwind and forget about the day’s stresses. It is recommended to use a pair of wireless earbuds if you have one available. Wireless headphones will allow you to take your music with you, meaning you can relax anywhere in the home.

Credit: Photo by John Tekeridis

DIY Spa Recipes

As previously mentioned, many of the products used in commercial spas contain harsh chemicals that are damaging to the environment and to those with sensitive skin or hair. Use some of these simple at-home spa recipes as alternatives. They’ll leave you feeling relaxed without contributing to pollution.

  • DIY Spa Hair Treatment

The hair treatments you receive at a spa may leave your hair feeling silky, but they are also very tough on the environment. Instead, try making your own hair treatment solution that is kind to both your hair and the environment. To do this warm one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil on low heat. Stir the honey and olive oil until they are entirely mixed. Then pour the mixture over two tablespoons of plain yogurt in a small bowl and mix them together. After the hair treatment solution has been made apply it to your hair and let it sit for 30-45 minutes. You can scale the recipe as needed to meet your needs.

  • DIY Face Masks

Face masks are a cornerstone of any spa experience. They are incredibly relaxing, but can also be wildly expensive. To save yourself some money and the environment some trouble try this at-home face mask recipe. It will leave your skin feeling luxuriously smooth and is entirely biodegradable.

Mix together one tablespoon of plain yogurt with one teaspoon of aloe vera gel to make the face mask. After the face mask mixture is complete, apply it to your face and leave it be for at least ten minutes. This quick and easy recipe can be improved by adding orange zest to give it a little vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the skin produce collagen which will help keep your skin firm.

  • DIY Skin Scrub

This DIY skin scrub recipe is only two ingredients and there is a good chance that you already have both of them in your kitchen. All you need is some sugar and some sort of oil. Coconut oil is recommended because it is solid at room temperature and gives the scrub a creamy texture. The kind of sugar you use depends on what texture you want your skin scrub to have. Finer sugar will make the scrub feel thinner making it ideal for face scrubs. Coarser sugar will make the scrub feel rougher, so it is best used in body scrubs.

When making your skin scrub you should use one cup of oil for every two cups of sugar. However, you can vary the ratio until you reach your desired consistency. A food processor makes it much easier to mix the oil and sugar, but it is entirely doable with a bowl and a spoon. You may find that the oil and sugar in your skin scrub separate slightly if it is left out too long. Don’t worry, it hasn’t gone bad. Give it a simple stir and it should be as good as new.


There are several benefits to enjoying a relaxing DIY spa day. Firstly, it will help you unwind before bed and promote a good night’s sleep. This will leave you feeling ready to tackle the next day in the morning. You may also feel more productive after taking a moment to treat yourself to a spa day. It is easy to become stressed after a long day, but even just a 30-minute spa break can help you feel rejuvenated.

Credit: Photo by Artem Beliaikin.