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Tips for Eco-Conscious Homeowners in 2021

There are daily reports of global warming that are concerning. Uncontrollable wildfires and record-breaking temperatures are occurring in unfamiliar territories. Large chunks of ice are rapidly melting in the Arctic.

As a homeowner, you have the power to reduce carbon emissions. These harmful greenhouse gases are leading to irreversible damage. But it’s not too late to make a difference.

You can easily reduce your carbon footprint. Follow these simple tips to make your home eco-friendly. They’ll even help you save money by reducing your household expenditure.

Assess Your Home’s Energy Performance

The best starting point in your eco-conscious campaign is an energy audit. It involves a short inspection of your home by an authorised auditor. It identifies key areas of energy inefficiency.

These could include ill-fitting windows where heat is regularly lost. Perhaps your home isn’t adequately insulated. If your boiler is old, it needs to be upgraded to a new ecological system.

The audit encourages you to install new, cost-effective features. You can often recoup your investment in a short period.

Making your home energy-efficient saves you money. Simply by reducing wasteful heat loss, you’ll save on your fuel bills. It’s a wise measure as household energy expenditure is always increasing.

At the end of the audit, you receive an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This rates your home from A, the most efficient, to G, the most wasteful. You’ll need this certificate if you want to sell or rent out your home.

Equip Your Home with Smart Technology

One of the greatest advancements in energy efficiency is Smart technology. It’s easy to integrate, particularly when upgrading your home’s appliances. You’ll have real-time data about your home’s energy performance.

You can monitor your household’s daily routine to identify inefficiency. For example, heating water too far in advance is wasteful. By the time you use stored hot water, much of its heat may already be lost.

Smart technology lets you remotely control your home’s energy usage. Even when you’re elsewhere, you can use your smartphone to turn appliances on and off. It helps operate your washing machine when fuel prices are lower at specific times of the day.

Your home’s energy performance can instantly be improved. Lowering your thermostat by one degree helps reduce carbon emissions. In cold weather, wear an extra layer of clothing.

An inexpensive measure is changing to LED lighting. These versatile, energy-efficient bulbs use very little power. They also produce a wide range of lighting effects.

Change to Sustainable Solar Energy

Installing a solar energy system is the most reliable way to reduce carbon emissions. The sun’s power is freely available. It requires minimal energy to convert the solar rays to sustainable electricity.

A standard installation usually contains seven solar panels. They should provide enough electricity for an average three-bedroom house. A battery storage unit makes the system usable, even at night.

Solar energy has many benefits. It enables you to obtain off-grid electricity. This should significantly reduce your fuel bills.

You can also use solar power to run an EV charger for your electric vehicle. It can recharge your car’s battery overnight. Electricity from solar panels is significantly less expensive than energy from the grid.

Installing solar panels at your home lowers carbon emissions. A solar energy system requires very little maintenance and provides at least twenty-five years of service.

Stop Wasting Water

Water should never be wasted. A great deal of investment and effort goes towards making drinking water safe. Wastage places an unnecessary burden on the infrastructure, ultimately increasing your water bills.

Long-term global warming is leading to a generally drier climate throughout the world. Large scale droughts could become more widespread. Without adequate water supplies, life becomes unsustainable.

You can save water by not running the tap when washing up or brushing your teeth. Install a low-flow showerhead to regularly save water. Whenever possible, only place full loads in your washing machine.

Replace toothbrushes made of plastic for those made of ecological bamboo. Bathroom accessories made of bamboo are attractive, sustainable and biodegradable. Use ecological cleaning products around your home including air fresheners with environmentally-friendly charcoal.

Shop for Food more Wisely

At least one-third of all food supplies are wasted. Large volumes end up in landfill sites where the decomposing material releases gases that contribute to global warming.

Use stored foods before the expiry date instead of buying new supplies. Shop at local markets where food hasn’t had to be transported a long distance. Where possible, avoid unnecessary packaging.

Plan your meals so that you only buy ingredients you need. You can also try growing vegetables yourself. Avoiding food waste helps your budget stretch further.


Running an eco-conscious home can be fun. It’s surprising how stylish your home can look with sustainable bamboo accessories. A solar panels installation can also save money especially when you use an EV charger for your car.

Saving water is vital. Shop wisely, avoid food waste and choose local supplies of fresh produce. Whatever you do to reduce your carbon footprint helps delay the impending doom of global warming

Author bio:

Ray Brosnan is the co-owner of Brosnan Property Solutions, a facility management and property maintenance company. Brosnans regularly deal with eco-conscious homeowners.

Image source Sarah Chai  Pexels.