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Best SEO Strategies for a Green Business

Did you know almost 70% of consumers don’t mind paying more for eco-friendly products? You’d think there’s a whole unexplored market to tap into. Yet, green businesses remain in the shadow of more popular high-street brands. This is a common problem for eco-friendly organizations, especially brand new and small ones. Your business and others alike are practically invisible which prevents you from offering their products and services to wider audiences. However, there are several marketing strategies you can take advantage of and increase your visibility online. At the same time, you’ll raise awareness about your business and the green practices necessary to make the world a better place for future generations. Here are some of the best SEO strategies to bring your green business closer to the audience.

Content Marketing

Users are curious. They like to know everything about the product or service they’re looking for. It allows them to make an informed decision and satisfy their need. A great way to get your green business closer to your audience is through quality content. If the users recognize it as relevant and valuable, they’ll keep coming back for more, and then you can convert all the leads. However, quality isn’t the only thing that matters. You need to create and share content regularly. To rank high in search engine results, you should create long-form content pieces and use relevant keywords. This way search engines will be able to crawl and index the content more efficiently.

Site Speed

Statistics show 40% of visitors leave the site if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Visitors want to have a great user experience and having to wait a long time to see the content spoils it. The longer your speed takes to load, the higher your bounce rate will be. Another reason for auditing your website and improving its speed is the search engines. Namely, search engines such as Google rank sites based on their speed among other factors. Therefore, check your site’s speed. Then, optimize photos, remove unnecessary plugins, minimize redirects and improve its performance.


Keywords are the words or phrases users use in search engines to find what they need. If your content contains these keywords, then you’ll pop up in the results. For this reason, businesses usually target the keywords their audience uses. Also, they target only high search volume keywords because there’s no point in using phrases no one ever searches for. Since you’re a green business, you should choose environmental and sustainability terms. Then, you can use those keywords not only throughout your content. The headline, alt tags, meta descriptions, social media posts, and landing pages should all contain them too.

Mobile Optimization

Did you know almost 60% of customers like shopping on mobile-friendly sites? People spend most of their time glued to their smartphones. Instead of turning on their laptops, they prefer using their mobile devices because they’re more convenient. Mobile-friendly sites are becoming a standard. Consumers are starting to avoid sites that don’t have mobile-friendly sites. If you don’t give them what they want, your business will lose to competitors. Since the content isn’t viewable the same way on mobile devices as on sites, you have optimizing to do. But first, determine how mobile-friendly your green business site is, so you know exactly what adjustments to make.


Optimizing your green business’ site internally is one thing. Doing it externally is a whole different story. The story that can drive plenty of traffic from other authoritative and credible sites your way. Backlinks or inbound links are another effective SEO strategy you can use to boost your marketing efforts. There are several ways you can get backlinks. One of the most common ones is guest blogging. You find a relevant blog from your niche and pitch a guest writing topic. When you get the green light and create the content, you include links taking users back to your site. In other words, you’re redirecting users from one site to yours, so they can get to know your business. The good news about backlinking is that most blogs and organizations want to work with green businesses. Therefore, you won’t have to struggle with finding guest blogging opportunities.


In the end, most green businesses are waiting to be discovered. In the meantime, you can use various SEO strategies to maximize your marketing efforts and step into the much-deserved spotlight.

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