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How to Use Plants to Create a Fresh and Inviting Home

There’s no denying that plants can make a big impact in any space, whether it’s your home, office, or garden. Not only do they add color and life to a room, but they also help to purify the air and boost your mood. If you’re looking for a way to freshen up your home décor, adding some plants is a great place to start.

Not sure where to begin? Here are some tips on how to use plants to create a fresh and inviting home:

1. Start with a statement piece

A large plant in a striking pot can make a great focal point in any room. Place it near the entryway of your home or in the living room to create an instant impact.

2. Incorporate different textures and shapes

To add interest and variety, choose plants with different textures and shapes. Tall, leafy plants look great next to smaller succulents, for example. Or, try mixing up the pots and planters you use to display your plants.

3. Go for low-maintenance varieties or low-light houseplants

If you don’t have a green thumb, opt for low-maintenance plants that are easy to care for. Snake plants, cacti, and air plants are all good options that can thrive with minimal watering and care.

Similarly, low-light houseplants are another valid option because they don’t require direct sunlight to grow. Some of the best low-light houseplants include ferns, philodendrons, and dieffenbachias.

4. Bring the outdoors in

One of the best things about plants is that they can help connect us with nature, even when we’re indoors. If you have a patio or balcony, consider adding some potted plants to create an indoor/outdoor feel.

5. Get creative with placement

Plants don’t just have to go on the floor or shelves—get creative with their placement and try hanging them from the ceiling or placing them in a window sill.

6. Add some color

Brighten up any room with some colorful plants. Flowering varieties like impatiens and petunias are great choices, or try a colorful foliage plant like coleus or Alternanthera.

7. Use plants to divide a space

If you have a large room that you want to break up into different areas, plants make great natural dividers. Place taller plants near the back of the room and shorter ones in front to create distinct spaces.

8. Create an indoor garden

One of the most impactful ways to use plants in your home is to create an indoor garden. This can be as simple as grouping together a few potted plants, or you could go all out and build a full-fledged greenhouse.

9. Consider your pet’s needs

If you have pets, it’s important to choose plants that are non-toxic and safe for them. Some common pet-friendly plants include spider plants, Boston ferns, and peace lilies.

10. Have fun with it!

Adding plants to your home is a great way to freshen up your space, but it should also be enjoyable. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with it until you find what works best for you and your home.

No matter how you choose to use them, plants are a great way to add freshness and life to your home. So get creative and have fun!

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