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How Technology Helps Create a More Sustainable Future

Sustainability is quickly becoming one of the most pressing concerns worldwide. To put it simply, if humans continue spending vital resources at the current pace, demand will soon completely outstrip supply. For obvious reasons, this is a very undesirable situation, and something must urgently be done in order to reverse the situation. Luckily, modern technology can help humans to build a more sustainable future if it is used wisely and effectively.

The Influence of the Internet

The internet is arguably one of the single most important technological advancements in recent years. What started as a closed communications network for exclusive military use has since blossomed into an everyday utility without which life would be unimaginable. The internet also paved the way for the development of other technologies and created the concept of an interconnected world.

From Internet to Internet of Things (IoT)

The traditional internet quickly evolved to such a point that it can now be better described as the internet of things. This concept refers to the ability of the appliances that we use on a daily basis to communicate with us and each other via the internet. This might sound a bit far-fetched at first but when you pause to think about it carefully, you realise just how powerful this tool can be in the fight for sustainability.

The Introduction of Smart Devices

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Smart IoT connected devices are a great way to save energy and ultimately increase sustainability. These devices can be controlled remotely via smartphone applications and can perform a multitude of tasks such as turning lighting on or off, controlling air conditioning units, and perform other tasks according to a predetermined schedule. The main purpose of all of these devices is to save energy, thereby reducing a house or building’s overall carbon footprint. The cost of these systems is slowly coming down, making it more affordable than ever before to invest in smart-tech and reduce your carbon footprint.

Vast Improvements in Green Energy Generation and Distribution

Solar and wind power is nothing new, these technologies have been available for some time but technological improvements in both power generation and storage have made green energy sources a much more realistic prospect. Technological advancements in battery design have made it feasible to replace much of our fossil fuel-generated electricity with green energy. The cost of these systems has also come down significantly which means they are now accessible to people who previously could not afford such systems. This has a direct and long-lasting impact on the sustainability of our planet.

Better Batteries Equals More Electric Cars and Less Pollution

Not so long ago many of us would have thought of someone who drives an electric or hybrid vehicle as a “tree-hugger”. This too has been changed by advances in technology and as electric vehicles and their supporting infrastructure becomes less costly, more and more people are gearing up to make the switch to cleaner mobility. Since vehicles are one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gasses, this shift in thinking is essential for the future sustainability of our planet. Better batteries combined with more efficient drivetrain technology means that several electric vehicles are now completely capable of achieving realistic mileages on a single charge.

More Efficient Agriculture Techniques

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The agriculture industry, in particular, is responsible for a vast amount of unsustainable greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is also one of the critical industries without which human life would be impossible and as such a lot of technology has been developed to make agricultural activities more sustainable and eco-friendlier. A good example of this is precision farming which makes it possible for farmers to achieve better crop yield from smaller patches of land with less resource usage. This is only possible because more and more farmers are turning to technology to help them achieve these results. Avid gardeners can also do their bit for the environment by embracing sustainable gardening practices.

Big Data: The Axis Around Which Sustainable Technology Revolves

Never before in the history of humanity has such large quantities of data existed as today. This has both positive and negative connotations but if big data is used correctly, it can be a very powerful tool in the mission for sustainability. Big data is the thread from which the fabric of sustainable technology is woven, it allows researchers to gain better (real-time) insights into what exactly can be done to live more sustainably and what can be done to further improve existing technology. Without big data analytics, it would be near impossible to see the big picture and react accordingly when it comes to sustainable living.

Educating People

Big data and technology also play a pivotal role in educating people on the need for change and a more sustainable lifestyle. By collecting and analysing data, researchers can identify new ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint and live more sustainably. Without modern data analytics tools, this would not be possible or considerably harder to achieve.


Sustainability is something that affects all of us and we should do everything in our power to live more sustainably so that the planet begins healing itself. Technology is our greatest weapon in this endeavour, and we should embrace technology that supports and promotes sustainability wholeheartedly.

Author Bio: This article was written by Eloise Tobler of Wisetek. Wisetek are global leaders in IT Asset Disposition, Data Destruction, & IT Reuse.