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Pet Tech: Gadgets To Help Improve Your Pets’ Lives

Owning a pet isn’t for the faint of heart. With regular play time, attention, food and supplies, medical care and other expenses, an animal can quickly gobble a large piece of your spending pie and social calendar. Fortunately, there are gadgets and services that make animal care more convenient and enjoyable for both of you.

There are four main categories that are targeted by pettech companies, including:

  1. Home health care: These products monitor health and allow better analytics for veterinarians, such as at-home health tests, trackers and calming devices.

  2. Owner convenience: Included in this category are products that take care of daily tasks, such as automatic feeders and litter boxes.

  3. Communication and entertainment: These smart toys keep pets entertained when home alone. This category also includes cameras that let you check on your pet when you’re away.

  4. Safety: Safety products keep pets protected inside and outside, including location monitors, training collars and electronic fences.

Pet technology is a growing industry, with spent on pets in 2017. The global market is an estimated $109 billion and will probably increase as technology continues to advance. With these innovations hitting the shelves, check out some additional gadgets that can improve your pets’ health and happiness in the accompanying resource.

Pet Tech: Gadgets To Help Improve Your Pet’s Life from wellbots