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7 Ways Companies Can Benefit from Integrating SDGs

Sustainability is quickly becoming a central topic for businesses of all sizes and industries. We now understand that we all have a role to play in looking after the environment and leaving a better planet for future generations.

In this article, we look at how you can benefit from integrating sustainable development goals into your company strategy.

What are sustainable development goals?

Sustainable development goals or SDGs are part of a programme launched by the United Nations in 2015. They aim to make the world a more sustainable place through inclusion, inequality reduction, climate action, and responsible consumption.

There are 17 SDGS you should be familiar with:

  • Eliminating poverty.
  • Eliminating hunger.
  • Promoting health and well-being.
  • Delivering quality education.
  • Promoting gender equality.
  • Ensuring access to clean water and sanitation.
  • Ensuring access to clean energy.
  • Fostering economic growth.
  • Promoting industry, innovation and infrastructure.
  • Reducing inequality.
  • Building sustainable communities.
  • Promoting responsible consumption.
  • Focusing on climate action.
  • Conserving marine resources.
  • Conserving land resources.
  • Promoting peace and justice.
  • Strengthening partnerships for SDG achievement.

When it comes to private sector businesses, some goals will be more relevant than others. Let’s look at how to choose which goals to focus on and what are the benefits.

7 Beneficial Ways Of Integrating SDGs

1. Make them relevant to your community

A more sustainable world is created one community at a time. When choosing which SDGs you want to integrate into your business operations, think about the most urgent needs of your local community. Chances are one of the 17 goals is related to that need.

The benefit: Raise your local profile.

2. Work on spreading awareness

Think about all the people you interact with during a normal business day, from staff to suppliers or customers. Goal integration means building a goal into your everyday actions, so consider what you can do to spread awareness about sustainability through every interaction.

Some ideas include preparing education materials like leaflets, free e-books, or posters, and holding awareness events.

The benefit: Being known for your leadership and initiative.

3. Make your supply chain more sustainable

Businesses don’t operate in isolation. To function properly, they rely on suppliers that can be local or international. Now more than ever, it’s important to ensure that your supply partners are aligned with sustainable development goals irrespective of where they are located.

You can get started by choosing the SDGs you’re committed to and using them as a benchmark to assess your supplier’s performance.

The benefit: Make a wider impact with the right partners.

4. Define your long-term vision

SDGs were created as part of a 15-year plan. This suggests that integrating these goals is a long-term strategy.

One of the key steps to take involves thinking about how these goals can be aligned with your company’s long-term vision (and mission). SDGs are not accomplished through one-off actions or plans that aren’t followed up.

To make sure your SDGs make a real difference, you can create a review schedule that helps you assess if you’re staying on track.

The benefit: More consistency and better results.

5. Build them into your employment policies

SDGs related to diversity and inclusion can be integrated at a practical level through your hiring and employment policies. You can talk to your HR department about reviewing current policies in line with specific SDGs.

In most cases, there’s always something you can do to expand employment opportunities to people from minorities or disadvantaged backgrounds. Here are some tips and advice from the UK’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.

The benefit: A diverse workforce that brings unique skills to your business.

6. Take action on climate change

Climate change affects everyone, regardless of location or socio-economic class. This is why climate mitigation goals should always be included in your corporate SDG strategy – they’re always relevant!

Moreover, the UK government has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This initiative will need to be supported by British companies. Even small businesses have a role to play in mitigating the impact of climate change. You can get some useful ideas here.

The benefit: Better compliance with UK climate legislation.

7. Build transparency into your communications

Transparency and accountability go hand in hand when it comes to SDG implementation. Always make an effort to be transparent about the source of your products and packaging materials, your employment criteria, your values and how you’re putting them in action, how you select suppliers, and any other items related to SDG implementation.

The benefit: Build trust among your audience.

Follow the tips listed in this article to integrate sustainable development goals into your business operations. This will improve your reputation, build trust and loyalty, and ensure your company has a wide impact in the community and beyond.

Author bio:

Ian Carroll is the owner of Digital Funnel, a Digital Marketing agency that specialises in SEO in Cork alongside Web Design. Ian and his team have helped numerous local businesses increase their online presence.

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