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7 Tips On Being An Eco-Friendly Parent

Being eco-friendly has been all the raves over the recent years. How important is it? Just ask the parenting community!

According to SWNS Digital, 76% of U.S. parents say that their reasons for being eco-friendly is for their kids’ sake. As you can see, parents will do whatever it takes to not only protect their children, but also ensure that the Earth is deemed safe for them for many years to come.

Fortunately, we’ll show you 7 tips on how to parent the eco-friendly way! Let’s dive in!

  1. Start During Pregnancy

“The truth is, you don’t have to wait until you have children to start going eco-friendly,” says Darla Moffat, a business writer at Elite assignment help and UK Top Writers. “In fact, you can start once you’re pregnant. During the nine months of being with child, you can invest in nontoxic household products, cleaners, pesticides, and so on. Harsh chemicals from traditional cleaners can cause miscarriages and low birth weight. However, you’ll be glad to know that eco-friendly products are plant-based or deemed as safe for household use.”

  • Go Cloth!

The reality is, disposable diapers are doing more harm than good for the environment. In fact, disposables are often the culprit for clogged-up landfills.

However, cloth diapers can be an appropriate alternative, seeing that you can wash and reuse these diapers. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to ensure that you’re washing cloth diapers without using much water and energy from your washing machine. Consider creating a schedule for when to wash the cloth diapers, so that you’re not repeating washings every so often.

  • Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is a natural way to feed your baby. No packaging, no preparation required, and creates no waste.

Keep in mind: As you plan to breastfeed your baby as a way to be eco-friendly, be sure to not expose yourself to unhealthy levels of cigarette smoke, lead, and mercury, which can be harmful to both you and your child. Plus, talk to your doctor to see if breastfeeding is right for you, since some medications require that you not breastfeed.

  • Opt For Solid Foods

Believe it or not, solid foods can be great for your baby’s health, and for the environment. While processed foods may contain ingredients that aren’t environmentally-friendly, solid foods are straight from the Earth. Processed foods can contain the following:

  • Excess sugar
  • Excess salt
  • Preservatives
  • Possible chemicals and pesticides

With that said, consider organic versions of baby food.

Or, you can take some natural solid foods like fruits and veggies, and either puree or mash them to make a tasty meal for your child. As you child grows up, feed them more wholesome foods and meals over processed food products.

  • The 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle

It’s important to remember the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

  • Reducing the number of products that you use can be great for you and your family in the long-run. Only use what you need, so that you reduce the waste that’s made from not using what’s left over.
  • Reusing certain products can also save you, not only money, but also the environment, meaning less products going to the landfill.
  • Recycling is also good, because if you’re not using something, then someone else will. By recycling things like plastic bottles, paper, etc., those products can be used to create something new.
  • Use Green Cleaning Products

“Green cleaning products can do wonders for your home,” says Paula Fenston, a project manager at UK Writings and Revieweal. “Not only are green cleaning products just as good as traditional products, but they’re also safer to use around the home. Traditional household cleaning products contain harsh chemicals dangerous for human exposure and consumption. Nontoxic cleaners, on the other hand, are less harsh, though parental supervision should still be considered. Or, you can make your own homemade solutions that include ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice.”

  • Be An Example

Finally, being an example to your children is vital. When your children see you caring for the environment, and taking the necessary steps in being eco-friendly, they’ll most likely follow suit. It’s also important to teach them the importance of being eco-friendly.


So, you see, being eco-friendly and a parent can go hand-in-hand. By following these 7 great tips, you’ll run an eco-friendly home, and lay out the foundation for an eco-friendly future for your children.

Christina Lee is a writer and editor at Write my paper and College assignment help. She is also a contributing writer for Simple Grad. As a social media strategist, she helps companies improve their social media presence and marketing.

Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay .