Headlines are the first impression you will make in your reader’s mind, so you have to make your blog posts/article headlines as attractive as possible.
But the problem is it is not as easy to create awesome headlines as it seems.
So many writers are used to writing headlines as they read from other blog posts and learned from scrolling the search engine web.
This is why,
There are rarely unique headlines we can see throughout the web. But the writers who understand their passion for writing give their 100% to write unique and attractive headlines.
A good headline will help your article/blog post to leave an impact on your audience’s mind and gain credibility through the visitors to your blog.
In this ERA of digital marketing, Businesses are looking at content writing as a great digital asset to get credibility online from the audience.
Let’s learn to write awesome headlines for your blog posts/articles:
You need to create a reader persona in your mind while writing your articles/blog posts because if you don’t understand why you are writing your piece, then you wouldn’t be able to write what readers want from you and your writing piece.
Develop a habit of writing every day…
First of all, understand why you are writing the article/blog post:
Generally, we write articles/blog posts to give information, solve queries, and sometimes we write to give better solutions for modern world issues.
So, first of all, you must understand why you are writing the article and how much value you will provide to your readers.
Once you are clear in your mind, make a list of points you will cover in your article or blog post.
Write a common headline for your article
Now Improvise your Headline:
Improvise your headlines according to creative writing terms..
Use Power words and Emotional Words:
Utilize power words and emotional words to make your headline appeal to your readers.
Using emotional words and power words will make your headline ultimately impressive, and it also helps you in terms of SEO.
Write creative headlines using unique and creative words that add more value to your headline.
Write Headlines Keeping SEO in mind:
Learn the SEO terms for Headline writing
Your headline should be the H1 Title
Try to use numbers in your article/blog posts
Put year in your headline when you think it’s necessary
Make your headline hit the audience’s mind, and keep your personal touch.
Learn to Write Painful Questions:
Learn to write painful questions that create fear factors and pain emotion in your readers, and they urge themselves to read your blog posts/articles.
For Example,
1. Are you eating junk food?
2. Do you know how to take care of your skin?
3. Why I never trust Strangers?
4. What should be an ideal length of a blog post?
5. Why it’s important to wake up early?
How to do it?
To start, research current debates and hot themes in your field. What kinds of queries do your readers find challenging? Make a list of pertinent questions, then decide what to address in your upcoming post.
Use How to in your Blog posts/Articles:
How-to headlines are generally used to solve the queries and give the solutions to the queries via blog posts.
For Example,
1. How to start a traveling blog from scratch?
2. How to slowly calm down your anger?
3. How to delete your Instagram account?
4. How to deal with negative people at work?
5. How to create your own email list for free?
How to do it?
Determine the most pressing issue and be more explicit in your post. Determine the issues facing your target audience, and focus on fixing just one thing at a time. If you feel this topic is too broad, try breaking it up into a series of questions; if you have a doubt about how to do anything, the more detail you can provide, the better. Focus on answering that specific question, and create a detailed tutorial for your reader.
A Case study:
Write your own case study; otherwise, interview other bloggers and make their case studies to write on your blog.
For example,
1. How did I start my own handicraft business from home at 17?
2. How I made my first $100 on my blog?
3. How these seven bloggers make $3000 monthly in the fashion niche?
4. How I increase my organic traffic in 6 months?
5. How Laura made $4000 from my six-month-old blog?
6. How I gained 2k Instagram followers in 3 months?
How to do it?
Do you know someone whose blog has been successful? Can you arrange an interview and case study with a blogging friend? Do you have a personal tale that you think your readers would enjoy reading?
Choose a tale, then write about it. When using numbers and tactics, be specific.
Comparison Blogs (Why X is Better than Y):
Comparing things in blog posts
For Example,
1. WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org – What to choose?
2. Why are podcasts better than videos?
3. Why the small team wins and the bigger team fails? (Medium)
4. Why is X product better than Y product?
How to do it?
Find out what the hardest decision your readers must make is. Use the comparative Title and respond to the most contentious discussion in your field.
Errors, Mistakes, Myths, Assumptions:
A catchy title can also be created by writing about errors, misconceptions, or presumptions. You’ve undoubtedly clicked on one of those links with the heading “5 mistakes I made when I first started my online business.”
We should warn our audiences about flaws and blunders because we all make them.
1. 7 mistakes that can damage your kid’s childhood
2. 15 stupid grammar errors you should avoid
3. 4 common mistakes freelancers make in their career
How to do it?
List all the misconceptions that your readers have. Identify typical mistakes that your audience can identify with. Or, if you have made any mistakes in your professional or personal life, mention them since readers are constantly looking for solutions, including information on how to prevent making similar mistakes in the future.