Vitamins are organic compounds needed for the normal functioning of the human body. They contribute to many physiological processes, including immunity, metabolism, and cell division. Some vitamins cannot be synthesized by the human body but are essential for normal functioning; these are available in foods.
It is important to receive adequate amounts of vitamins to avoid deficiency diseases that interfere with the prevention of chronic illnesses. Here are five of the most important vitamins that your body needs to function at its best and the foods you should consider including on your plate.
Vitamin A (Skin & Immune System)
Vitamin A is used for the maintenance of skin and also helps the body develop good immunity. It stimulates the development and renewal of skin cells thus ensuring the skin remains smooth and wrinkle-free. Vitamin A is essential in skin biology to avoid skin dryness and even achieve a skin glow. It has also been used as a way to lessen the look of wrinkles and to enhance the general texture of the skin by elevating the levels of collagen.
Besides, skin health Vitamin A enhances the immune system. Fewer infection and inflammation responses occur because it assists the immune system in controlling the operation of particular immune cells. This vitamin also helps fight dangerous free radicals and so lowers the possibility of chronic illnesses. Vegetables and fruits containing vitamin A are carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and liver. Consuming these foods often ensures that you receive adequate nutrients for the health of your skin and the proper functioning of your immune system. Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins needed to ensure the proper functioning of the body.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin – Hair)

Naturally, Vitamin B7, or biotin is an important nutrient needed for hair growth. Biotin delivers nutrients to the body and aids in breaking down food as energy, and proper formation of a protein called keratin that lends strength to the hair. There are even scientific reports associating biotin with hair thickness and shininess. One of the symptoms of biotin deficiency is hair loss, as well as hair thinning. It is also good for skin health and hair and nails.
It aids in enhancing the health of your scalp so that you’re less prone to dryness and scaly, flaky skin. The good news though is that Biotin can be consumed in foods like eggs, almonds, sweet potatoes, and spinach among others. They can also be purchased over the counter but it would be preferential to get biotin through your meals. Introducing foods that are rich in biotin into your diet can lead to improved hair and nails as well as better skin conditions.
Vitamin C (Immune System & Skin)

Vitamin C is well known to reduce the effects of free radicals and maintain both immune and skin function. It assists in the body’s defense against dangerous free radicals and boosts immunity to diseases. Another function of Vitamin C is linked with the synthesis of collagen required for skin health. With the help of collagen, the skin remains tight, smooth, and elastic; it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.
Also, Vitamin C helps to recover wounds and cuts by boosting the repair process of the body tissues. It also has the added benefits of smoothing out the skin and making the skin color more even. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli. These foods can also benefit the immune system and skin and will aid the body in its natural healing process. As earlier indicated taking Vitamin C in our body from time to time is very important to maintain our health and also to have healthy skin.
Vitamin D (Bones & Teeth)

Vitamin D is important for supporting bone and tooth health. It also assists the body in getting the calcium it needs for proper bone health and bone strength. If there is a lack of Vitamin D bones become fragile and can develop diseases such as Osteoporosis. Besides the bone, Vitamin D also concerns teeth through participation in the mineralization of teeth thus making them strong and hard and therefore resist caries formation.
The local dentist suggest that Vitamin D helps our teeth and gums and that its lack might lead to tooth loss or gum diseases. Vitamin D supplements can be obtained through sunlight because the body can naturally produce Vitamin D through skin exposure to sunlight. But it is also present in meat products and other animal sources such as fatty fish, egg yolk, and fortified dairy products. As mentioned above Vitamin D is a nutrient that is important as it plays a big role in the formulation of bones, teeth, and body health whenever taken in regularly.
Vitamin E (Skin & Immune System)

This is a vitamin that our body needs to supplement to improve our skin and help boost our immunity. it is well known for its antioxidant role in the body shielding cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. These assist in perusing the factors that contribute to early aging of the skin, such as wrinkles and lines on the skin. Vitamin E also improves skin repair and helps decrease inflammation great for acne or sunburn. Other benefits of Vitamin E are that it helps improve the immune system by increasing the body’s ability to fight infections.
It enhances the human immune system, which assists the body to fight diseases easier. Some examples of foods rich in Vitamin E include almonds or any nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocado, and many others. Exfoliating products also utilize Vitamin E since it is known to have skin-healing qualities. It will lead to healthier skin and immune systems, delay premature aging by fighting oxidative stress, and reduce risks of anemia. It is one of the most natural and effective ways of ensuring that the body’s health is well-kept.
To sum up, vitamins are crucial to prevent physical and mental illnesses, and to improve quality of life and life expectancy. These vitamins have specific tasks and duties in the body; they aren’t just there for a healthy immune system, skin, hair, and bones. If you follow your doctor’s recommendations to incorporate as many medical-nutrient foods in your diet including fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins then it becomes easier to feed the body with the nutrients it requires. One should, however, appreciate the fact that there are vitamins in foods and that getting a well-balanced diet is important. To stay healthy and active, pay much attention to these vital vitamins. Need supplements? feel free, but do it under the prescription of a doctor. Your body will appreciate it because you feed it with the right vitamins.