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9 Ways to Make Your Bathroom More Eco-Friendly

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Changing your cleaning habits or daily routines can significantly reduce environmental pollution. Eco-friendly bathrooms are not only a trend, but also a solution that will help us to live a healthy life. By changing our habits, we are not only saving a lot of money, but also making a real contribution to solving the global problem of excessive environmental pollution.

Eco-friendly bathroom tips


Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Keeping in mind that nature has given us everything we need to live a healthy and hygienic life, it is worth taking advantage of its benefits and creating our own cleaning products. Their use is not only safe, but also very effective. Limescale in taps or toilet? This is not a problem for a cotton swab soaked in vinegar or lemon juice. Baking soda has bleaching and odour-absorbing features, so it can be also used to clean difficult contaminants (e.g. grout).

Give Your Old Items “New Live”

You don’t have to throw everything away to start a life in harmony with nature. Taking care of things we already have and bringing them back to a “new life” is much more sensible, and it also develops our creativity and teaches respect. Ripped towels can make an interesting bath rug, and old clothes can be useful to make cloths.

Save Water. Turn The Tap Off When Brushing Your Teeth

save water while brushing teeth


Turning off the water between wetting your toothbrush and rinsing your mouth is one of the simplest and most effective ways to save water . The average person in the UK uses 150 litres each day. Here’s how to reduce that… Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth – this can save 6 litres of water per minute.


Shower Over Bath

shower over bath

Think of baths as an occasional treat and stick to showers. As you know showering are less wasteful than baths. An average comparison of 62 liters per shower to 80 liters per bath shows how much you can save every time.

Choose Recycled Toilet Paper

Buy toilet paper made from 100% recycled .  Toilet tissue wipes helps to preserve trees, protect habitat, keep our water clean, and save energy.”


Choose Energy-Efficient Bathroom Lighting

One of the clearest eco-friendly choices for a bathroom, LEDs offer plenty of benefits.

Choose Taps and Showers With Aerators

save water in bathroom

Installing water saving aerators is a simple, cost effective way to reduce water use and water bills.

Choose High Quality Products

buy  good quality products


Choosing quality, hard-wearing products over cheaper options just makes sustainable.

Choose Toiletries and Beauty products Made From Natural Ingredients

Choose tissues, cleaners, shampoos, and conditioners free of chemicals. Or go ahead and DIYs. Make your own beauty and skincare products at home!


Start Today Making Positive Changes And go Greener.


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eco-friendly bathroom